DARKWATER Album Review: “Human”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Prog metal band Darkwater was formed in Sweden in 2003. They released their debut album “Calling The Earth To Witness” in 2007 and the following year, made their American live debut show at Bay Area Rock Fest. Two years after that, in 2010, the band released their second album “Where Stories End” and their tour for that album included shows at festivals in Europe and the USA.

Mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen (who has worked with Metallica favourites Volbeat, as well as Amaranthe and Evergrey) and released on Ulterium Records, “Human” is the third album by the band – Henrik Bâth (vocals), Markus Sigfridsson (guitars), Simon Andersson (bass guitar), Magnus Holmberg (keyboards) & Tobias Enbert (drums).

The music is melodic, yet heavy and atmospheric and is full of time changes, with the production crisp and clear, Henrik Bâth’s vocals are clean, the band are all top notch musicians and everyone has time to shine and no-one feels crowded out or out-stays their welcome. 

Lyrically, the album welcomes you into a world of you and I, our struggles that we deal with as humans and how we affect the world around us. 

All in all, this is a very interesting album and one that I shall be revisiting.


A New Beginning
In Front Of You
Alive (part I)
Alive (part II)
Reflection Of A Mind
The Journey
Turning Pages
Light Of Dawn


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