Destruction Album Review: “Thrash Anthems II”

Album Review By Barry Vest Sr


As one of the top 4 in the German metal scene, it’s no surprise that this album kills it. How can one argue with classics getting the 2017 production overhaul? Seriously, thrash at its finest with enough powerful pounding drums and searing guitarwork to rival that of Metallica. Even though they have been around for 36 years these guys in no way sound or feel their age at all. Youth and depravity shine through and coupled with that crunch and the searing screams from frontman Schmier they have nailed the coffin shut. This much sound from three old metal heads is just jaw dropping amazing. How does he still scream like that? If you are new to Destruction then you must buy and listen to this album. You must have a sense of what us old timers already know about real metal. It is fast, it is searing, it is full of solos that will melt your face off. Although everything here is reworks of previous goodies it in no way feels dull. It’s all just a step above the previous recordings. Completionism or new fan curiosity should and must draw you into this “solos on fire” treasure.

Schmier – Bass, Vocals
Mike – Guitars
Vaaver – Drums


Confused Mind
Black Mass
Dissatisfied Existence
United by Hatred
The Ritual
Black Death
The Antichrist
Confound Games
Ripping You Off Blind
Satan’s Vengeance
Holiday in Cambodia (Dead Kennedys cover)

This review is the property of Barry Vest Sr and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.