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“Monuments To Dead Gods”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew

Dethonator are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 2002, releasing their self titled debut album in 2010 and their second album ‘Return To Damnation’ in 2013. ‘Monuments To Dead Gods’ E.P. was released in 2014. The bands third album. ‘Race Against The Sun; Part One’ was released in 2019, and was the first half of a double album release – the second half, ‘Race Against The Sun: Part Two’ emerging in 2020. And in 2022, the bands 2013 E.P. ‘Monuments To Dead Gods’ was re-released, and is now available on all streaming services.
Featuring revamped artwork, the E.P. is an absolute bombastic blast of traditional British heavy metal. Opening song ‘Hunter’s Night’ embodies the true essence of the NWOBHM era with its raucous riffing, blistering guitar solos, thunderous drumming and very good, very clean vocals. Close your eyes for a moment and you are transported back to those glorious early eighties days of the NWOBHM. Keep them closed for ‘Beast Moon’ and you’ll think that a hybrid of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Saxon have just wandered in. Powerful, pounding and high tempo ‘Beast Moon’ is a huge slab of traditional heavy metal.
This E.P. is not just a nostalgic trip down the lane to the heady days of eighties British metal, good god no! The title song ‘Monuments To Dead Gods’ takes the NWOBHM sound and drags it through the decades to the modern era, adding their own brand of brutality and rawness to produce an excellent romp of thunderous drums and blistering guitars. With the injection of growled vocals and some superb guitar riffing, ‘Monuments To Dead Gods’ (the song) will appeal to all genres of heavy metal and have the fans punching the air in one hundred appreciation of a great song. Ending the E.P. is ‘Kings Of Annwn’, an epic romp of everything that made British heavy metal the force it is. Memorable hooks, infectious grooves and clean vocals are in abundance here, leaving the listener salivating.
Overall, bombastic, raucous and infectious, ‘Monuments To Dead Gods’ is an awesome display of traditional British heavy metal.
Hunter’s Night
Beast Moon
Monuments To Dead Gods
Kings Of Annwn

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities