Dr Living Dead Album Review: “Cosmic Conqueror”

Album Review By Lloyd Parkinson



The 80’s Thrash Metal revival trend that we continue to witness just doesn’t seem to be slowing down and it’s thanks to bands that just naturally annihilate it like Dr Living Dead!. The band that features the four doctors Dr Toxic, Dr Mania, Dr Slam and Dr Rad began their cosmic journey back in 2007. Their first two demos “Thrash The Dead” and “Thrashing The Law” became highly popular amongst fans in the underground Thrash Metal/Crossover scene. And, since then the band has played upon their strengths and are now recognised as a force of interstellar Thrash Metal.

They incorporate their deep musical passion of horror, sci-fi and old school Hardcore spiked Thrash and the outcome is everything you would expect this band to produce. Their latest offering “Cosmic Conqueror” which has been released via Century Media is a perfect example of what contemporary Thrash Metal is all about. This album has a very old school 1980’s sound of Thrash and Crossover. To get a stylistic idea you should conceptualise a mix of Anthrax (particularly Amongst The Living) and Suicidal Tendencies. However you can also hear the “Bay Area” style on this album that reminds me of bands like Exodus, Testament and Death Angel.

The album erupts with an interstellar explosion. “Coffin Crushsner” is a cosmic wave of musical insanity. There is one thing that Dr Living Dead have always done and will continue to do is delivering a supernova of an opening track on all the EPs and albums they unleash. The album accelerates at a phenomenal rate with the second track “Cant Kill The Dead”. I used to think that World War 9 was my favourite track that the band had written but this really is a game changer. What stands out in this track is the bands Suicidal Tendencies influences and how they execute their take on modern day Thrash. What’s a particular strength with this track is how aesthetically brilliant it is in terms of composition and lyrical subject matter. Dr Living Dead blend a myriad of old school style riffs and contemporary guitar tones and the outcome is phenomenal.

Fast forward to the forth track and this is where this album takes a turn. And, let me just add that it’s by no means a negative turn. This track proves that the band can switch between different styles of Thrash and produce a groove filled track that’s guaranteed to get heads banging. “Terrorvision” absolutely screams Suicidal Tendencies and Dr Mania’s Mike Mur influences are very prominent. The eighth track “Survival Denied” is the album’s “Big Bang”. This track is the highlight of the album and showcases the full force of Dr Living Dead. This track is the fastest of all on the album and is a true representation of the “New Wave of Thrash Metal”.

In conclusion, I’d say its time to grab your favourite hi-tops and head to the skate park because there is nothing on this album that a crossover fan wouldn’t like. This album is absolutely crushing in every way possible. Every album that Dr Living Dead has churned out has been par to none and this isn’t an exception. Cosmic Conqueror is an intergalactic blast of an album and the band’s best offering to date. Time to hit the half-pipe.

Dr. Toxic – Guitars and Backing Vocals
Dr. Rad – Bass and Backing Vocals
Dr. Mania – Vocals
Dr. Slam – Drums


Coffin Crushser
Can’t Kill the Dead
The Summoning
Terror Vision
Cosmic Conqueror
Disease to Exist
Into the Eye
Survival Denied
Moment of Clarity
Infiltrator Exterminator
Cyber Crime
Lack Of Life


This review is the property of Lloyd Parkinson and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.