DRENALIZE Album Review: “Edge Of Tomorrow”

“Edge Of Tomorrow”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Drenalize are a hard rock band from France formed in 2013, releasing their debut album ‘Destination Everywhere’ in 2015. The bands sound is highly reminiscent of the eighties metal scene when many a hard rock band were labelled as heavy metal – bands such as Def Leppard, Poison, Scorpions, and Whitesnake. ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ is Drenalize’s sophomore album and was released in 2022…

…featuring ten heavy hitting rock come metal songs. Opening with the one minute instrumental ‘2049’, the band explode into life with the electrifying pace and power of the six minute ‘Strangers In The Mirrors’. Hitting the ground running like classic NWOBHM, Drenalize echo the glorious eighties rock and metal sound, the band planting both feet firmly on the monitor. What an absolutely barnstorming opener, and one that’ll fully grab your attention and not let go. Following that incredible opening, ‘No Miracle’ is a mid tempo thunderstorm of hard rock, heavily melodic and insanely infectious. And in just the first two songs, Drenalize have shown both sides to their music – the rock side and the metal side. The band are classed as a hard rock band, but in my opinion they’re a metallized hard rock band, straddling the border of metal and rock! Remaining at the rockier end of their chosen musical direction, ‘Eternal Eclipse’ is a heavy hitting slab of hard rock with an immense infectious level. And a head nodding attraction that’ll have you involuntarily rocking your head back and forth.

The level of intensity the band have began the album with hasn’t dropped one iota, with ‘Thirty More Seconds’ introducing the customary ballad associated with hard rock bands. Acoustic guitars lead the way with a soulful vocal performance, prompting listeners to raise lighters high in the air. And as ‘Thirty More Seconds’ progresses it begins to hit heavier without ever really leaving the comfort of balladry. The aura of the iconic NWOBHM evolution makes its presence felt once again – the instrumental ‘Passage En Force’ a fast paced gallop of traditional sounding heavy metal. And an opportunity for some proper head banging too! Hitting hard like a wrecking ball smashing into a building, ‘Into Madness’ is a “foot on the monitor” gallop of hard rocking melodious metal with an infectious level higher than anywhere heard so far. Drenalize defiantly standing tall and proud on the bridge linking the metal and rock genres, with fans of both styles finding plenty to garner their interest.

Now, with a title ‘Fast ‘N’ Lethal’ – you’d probably expect a fast and furious romp of blazing metal or rock…and you’d be wrong! For ‘Fast ‘N’ Lethal’ is the rockiest of all the songs on offer, firmly planted in the hard rock genre. Drenalize effortlessly switching gears and tempo, drifting from rock to metal and back again as if it were the most natural thing in the world. At first glance down the tracklist, I thought ‘Something To Believe In’ was gonna be a cover of the Poison classic, from the bands 1990 album ‘Flesh & Blood’ – but no! It’s not! Drenalize’s ‘Something To Believe In’ is a hard rocking AOR romp – echoing the bouncy sound of iconic band Journey. But with added oomph and energy! A definite highlight among the many highlights ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ (the album) has to offer. And bringing the album to a close, is the title song ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ – the heaviest hard rock song on offer. Definitely rooted in the hard rock genre, ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ (the song) is head noddingly addictive, maintaining the albums overall intensity, and ending the album in one last burst of energy.

Overall, a sparkling mix of hard rock and heavy metal, ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ is as infectious as it is surprising.


Strangers In The Mirror
No Miracle
Eternal Eclipse
Thirty More Seconds
Passage En Force
Into Madness
Fast ‘N’ Lethal
Something To Believe In
Edge Of Tomorrow


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities