Dynazty Album Review: “Firesign”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Dynazty are a hard rock/metal band from Sweden formed in 2008, releasing their debut album ‘Bring The Thunder’ the following year. Three more albums followed over the next five years, with their fifth effort ‘Titanic Mass’, released in 2016. The bands sixth album ‘Firesign’ was released in the autumn of 2018.

Since 2014’s ‘Renatus’, Dynazty have steered their way towards the symphonic power metal genre, delivering a much harder and faster paced style of music. The lead single off the album ‘Breath With Me’, is all the evidence you’ll ever need to convince you of the bands new direction. Loaded with power, pace and intent, ‘Breath With Me’ is an electrifying romp of infectious symphonic power metal, setting the album alight from the off. The exhilarating opening continues with the more melodic ‘The Grey’, displaying a majestic mid tempo stroll. A catchy and sing a long style chorus adds to the infectiousness of ‘The Grey’, with the heads of the bands fans nodding in one hundred percent appreciation of a great opening double salvo. Pace quickens with ‘In The Arms Of The Devil’, as the “foot on the monitor” style heavy metal makes its appearance felt. Out and out pace mixed with a thunderous rhythm, ‘In The Arms Of The Devil’ is classic sounding, traditional heavy metal, with a symphonic edge. Striding into power ballad territory with a huge foot stomping rhythm, ‘My Darkest Hour’ is mid to slow tempo hard rock of the heavier nature.

At over six minutes in length, ‘Ascension’ is one of two songs on offer that cruise through that mark (‘The Light Inside The Tunnel’ is the other, more of that later…). ‘Ascension’ is majestic mid tempo hard rock that punches hard. The high pace of the albums opener has dissipated, replaced with a mid tempo melodic march that will appeal to fans of both the metal and rock genres. Dynazty are demonstrating their musical versatility, effortlessly moving from heavy metal to hard rock, adding touches of the symphonic and melodic to great effect. The albums title song ‘Firesign’ hits hard and is a beefy stomp of heavy hitting rhythms. One of the catchiest songs on offer, the chorus is infectious and you’ll find yourself chanting “firesign” along with the band. ‘Closing Doors’ ups the tempo, adds energy, and is a lively, quick paced romp. In fact, ‘Closing Doors’ is the first song of six that has got anywhere near the electrifying intent of the albums opening salvo.

Maybe my expectations of a fast, high paced and energetic journey were misguided after hearing the bands single ‘Breathe With Me’, definitely the best song on offer. Or maybe my expectations were just too high! Either way, the album will appeal to fans of the more melodic/symphonic hard rock sound than of the heavy power metal style. ‘Follow Me’ is a heavy hitting and thunderous slice of foot tapping symphonic hard rock. Bringing a touch of AOR to the album, ‘Let Me Dream Forever’ is a happy, feel good offering that will most definitely plant a smile a mile wide on your face. One hundred percent sing along able, ‘Let Me Dream Forever’ hints at the hard rock party style, prevalent throughout the eighties with bands such as Bon Jovi and Poison. ‘Starfall’ is everything you’d expect from a hard rock/symphonic band…hard hitting and catchy, with memorable hooks, clean vocals and an infectious chorus. The album is brought to a close with the second six minute plus offering ‘The Light Inside The Tunnel’. Pulsating with power, vibrating with AOR and marching on with purpose, ‘The Light Inside The Tunnel’ is a cracking journey through a number of rock/metal genres, appealing to a very wide audience.

Overall, a thundering mid tempo paced album of melodic/symphonic hard rock with hints at the classic and traditional sound of heavy metal.


Breathe With Me
The Grey
In The Arms Of A Devil
My Darkest Hour
Closing Doors
Follow Me
Let Me Dream Forever
The Light Inside The Tunnel


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.