Dynazty Single Review: “Breathe With Me”

Single Review by Iron Mathew


Dynazty are a hard rock/metal band from Sweden formed in 2008, releasing their debut album ‘Bring The Thunder’ the following year. Three more albums followed over the next five years, with their fifth effort ‘Titanic Mass’ released in 2016. The bands sixth album ‘Firesign’ is due for release autumn 2018, and ‘Breathe With Me’ is the first single.

Since 2014’s ‘Renatus’, Dynazty have steered their way towards the symphonic power metal genre, delivering a much harder and faster paced style of music. Preceding their sixth album, the band have released a single, ‘Breathe With Me’.

And what a single ‘Breathe With Me’ is! Powering into life and storming on, ‘Breathe With Me’ is full of pace, intent and head banging addictiveness. Touches of the symphonic and melodic styles of heavy metal adds to the excitement that ‘Breathe With Me’ generates.

As a teaser, a taster, a sign of things to come, ‘Breathe With Me’ is an electrifying romp of infectious symphonic power metal and will whet the appetites of fans all around the world in anticipation of the new album.

Overall, a pulsating and pulse racing four minutes of pace, power and perfection, ‘Breathe With Me’ is simply superb.


Breathe With Me


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