EISENHAUER Album Review: “Blessed Be The Hunter”

Album Review by Syl Pdll


The German band Eisenhauer is back presenting their second album entitled “Blessed Be The Hunter” which in the words of the band denotes a greater maturity in their sound and combines the strength of Teutonic heavy metal with a dark voice whose influences are taken from the greats exponents of the scene and that also approaches a doom style creating a different and interesting sound.

Priestess Of Delight is the song with which this album begins and that from the first chords we can hear the aggressive and powerful riffs of the guitar that contrast with the bass and drums and that inevitably evoke us to one of the great exponents of the scene like Accept, however, Christian ‘Waxe’ Wagner is distinguished by having a deep voice that generates that contribution to the scene creating an interesting proposal since part of its musical influence can be found by flirting with darker genres such as doom.

The sound of the rain introduces us to Gods Of Pain and that in a certain way also evokes that characteristic wooded landscape of the Teutonic country. Although it is the guitar that seems to carry the song, it is the bass that unconsciously constitutes itself as the dominant instrument and a feature that has been to my liking within the scene. If we thought that the vocal part could not be darker, it is in this song that the interpretation of Christian ‘Waxe’ Wagner is pushed to the limit making me literally blow my head. The guitar solo is masterfully performed by Simon Bihlmayer.

Release The Beast introduces us into the depths of the forest towards the unknown and that is aptly described through music whose chords approach the roots of heavy metal whose influence reminds us of bands like Black Sabbath and that in combination with the vocal part. The instrumentation that is in the middle part and at the end of the song is simply spectacular that will make you do some headbanging.

Sun Under My Breast is the shortest song on this album and continues with this story that the band has drawn into the forest in an environment that is distinguished by the darkness and coldness that under the drops of rain we can glimpse some rays sun.

The guitar galloping by Simon Bihlmayer and that reminds us of the wonderful influence that Ronnie James Dio left alive on the scene can be found in Wild Boar Banner. The accents that are marked throughout the song through the drums generate that dynamic atmosphere and which also includes the bass as this song progresses. The guitar solo flirts a bit with melodic rock.

Ghost Warrior presents a very close start to speed metal and that is maintained throughout the song showing different sound changes that will keep the listener on the lookout. It is one of the songs that I liked the most on this album and that could well work for live performances. A job well accomplished by the Teutonic quartet.

The musical chords in Ode The Hammer show a clear influence of classic rock and that inevitably remind us of British heavy metal from Iron Maiden. Christian ‘Waxe’ Wagner’s voice begins slowly and narratively, but as the song progresses it becomes more aggressive and powerful, creating interesting transitions that go hand in hand with the guitar, showing a setting between dark and melodic.

Mountain is one of the most rhythmic and catchy songs of the band since its first chords and that are repeated throughout the song where the vocal part also adjusts to that dynamic environment. It is a song that could well work for a single as it will capture the attention of the audience towards its musical proposal.

Tyranuss takes to the limit that atmosphere of darkness that the band has created throughout this album. It is an instrumental song where Simon Bihlmayer (guitar), Thomas ‘Ase’ Aschermann (bass) and Johann Bechteler (drums) take us back to the forest and face the beast they have described in previous songs. A scene that has allowed us to travel through time and go back to silent movies where music was an important part of film art at that time.

Cult gives continuity to this dark setting that also ends with this album. The guitar chords show a further influence towards the doom and perhaps towards the Gothic that blends perfectly with the vocalist’s voice. The sound increases considerably almost at the end of the song creating a masterpiece and a great closing that leaves us wanting more.

“Blessed Be The Hunter” is an album you definitely have to listen to as it combines the old school of heavy metal with dark and melodic elements worthy of a soundtrack. It is a musical journey that is enjoyed from start to finish and that also presents part of the origins of this German quartet. Even in times of coronavirus we can appreciate interesting musical proposals that could be consolidated in some future.


Priestess Of Delight
Gods Of Pain
Release The Beast
Sun Under My Breast
Wild Boar Banner
Ghost Warrior
Ode To The Hammer


This review is the property of Syl Pdll and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.