Elephant Tree Album Review: “Elephant Tree”

Album Review By Barry Vest Sr


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Slowly they roll in with the Spore intro. Then bam they slam right into Wither and oh my what a first impression. It’s as if the haunting seventies are back. Grungy feedback with a killer hook and a haunting harmony that pulls you right into the magic. I just have to stop writing and listen to this magical melody in my ear. It slows to a singular drum beat and builds to this symphonic amazing guitar solo that defies all logical constraints. Good freaking God these guys are amazing!

A good ole one, two, three and blast off, Dawn takes us into more of this perfect killer atmosphere. I must see them live; it must be life altering. I have found new hope in a world steeped in worthless music. This is just a step above, a brilliant sound, I only wish I knew these guys personally. A group of masterminds come together to bring a musical frontier that was never fully explored. If they had been around in the seventies we would talk of them in the same breathe as the Beatles, the Stones, and the Holy Houses of Zeppelin.

Next up we have Circles which is what they must play on tours because, everyone wants an encore; I know I would! The melody is just so perfect and memorable. It is, dare I say, a bit of perfection. I am really glad I picked this band to review out of the hundreds we get, I just had a feeling that didn’t let me down.

I know I’m being short and sweet with my description with each song, but dammit, it’s hard to do anything except listen. Aphotic Blues is an epitome of this statement. Seriously guys, do you even know how to write a bad song? I am so impressed I don’t know what to do. I’ve never banged my head to this style of music … until this song. You guys nailed it. I loved the middle section around 4:00, I felt as if I were back in my room listening to a record for the first time. I got all nostalgic for Led Zeppelin 4 on vinyl. The ending is Ah-Maz-ing!

Echoes is a great nod to the bluesy side of life with the obvious flavour of all that is Elephant Tree. I just love the bass work in this piece. It speaks to me and has me nodding to every lick. You are killing it Mr. Holland. As for the rest of the band, every one of you are pure fucking magic! This whole album thus far has been nothing short of perfection to an old school rocker such as myself. Please bring that younger crowd around to the days of early Sabbath, Zeppelin, and all our other heroes.

Onward we go to Fracture, which reminds me a little of Alice in Chains meets Sabbath at a bonfire in the woods. I just want to jam, drink, and well, do what you do in the woods in the middle of the night. Man this is just a ton of good stuff! Around the 3 and half mark you will be groovin’ like a fool. Trust me it’s infectious and required. If this doesn’t get you moving then check your pulse because you are dead.

Oh NO! Surma is the last track to one of the year’s most influential bands in my honest opinion. I will have this on my Ipod until I have to buy another one. This and Blues Pills are on permanently. This is the longest track on the album and one big slice of Hell Yes! It ends on a single piano playing the outro; it just makes me think of someone at recital playing a piece and this entire album came to them at that moment. The rest of their life was spent making it until now.

By now, unless your thick in the head, you may have noticed my reaction to this band. Therefore, I am sure you can guess what I am going to say next. If you have not already heard of, seen live, or bought this album then just kick yourself right in the ass because you suck. Run, do not walk to the record shop and throw your money at them, then run home and put this on! By the way, if you trip and fall on the way back please be responsible and save the record like you would a beer at a bonfire! This has been a public safety message!

Elephant Tree are:

Peter Holland [Bass/Vocals]
Jack Townley [Guitar]
Riley MacIntyre [Production/Sitar/Vocals]
Sam Hart [Percussion]


Aphotic Blues



This review is the property of Barry Vest Sr and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.