ELYSION Album Review: “Bring Out Your Dead”

“Bring Out Your Dead”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Elysion are a metal band from Greece releasing three albums to date – ‘Silent Scream’ (2009), ‘Someplace Better’ (2014), and ‘Bring Out Your Dead’, released in 2023…

…featuring a heavier and much darker sound than either of the bands two previous releases. The new album is ten songs and forty four minutes of heavy metal that punches hard and kicks harder – with elements of Gothic, symphonic, progressive and alternative styles of metal thrown in too! Lead singer Christiana is a powerhouse vocalist – her voice as powerful as anyone I’ve ever heard before. The album lurches into life with the bold and bustling ‘Blink Of An Eye’ – hitting heavily and with devastating accuracy! The mean, moody and menacing guitar riffing is heart melting, as are the catwalk looks of singer Christiana – her voice sexy, sultry and sensuous! What a sensational head turning, sit up and take notice opening gambit!

A gambit that totally pays off – I and every other listener instantly hooked, the band moving on with the more melodious ‘Crossing Over’. And a chorus break that’s simply gorgeous and one hundred percent sing a long-able – an in-concert crowd sing a long moment if ever I heard one! The intoxicating voice of Christiana is immense, I could listen all day every day for years and never tire – ‘Far Away’ a ballad come hymn come mellow march! Yet with a heaviness that belies a ballad, an echo of thunder heavier than a hymn, and a crunch that makes mincemeat of ‘Far Away’s opening mellowness – the band truly defying genre pigeon holing by crafting an opening threesome of ecstatic eargasmic excellence! Gimme more Elysion, gimme more! And gimme more they do – ‘Buried Alive’ a slow burn with a “go weak at the knees” vocal performance! And as ‘Buried Alive’ wanders forth, the reined in power is at breaking point, yet the band manage to keep it all under control! A surprising yet wonderful run of songs that are all set to take listeners, fans and followers on a journey to euphoria…

…a place that I got to very quickly! Not prematurely – just quickly! ‘As The Flower Withers’ returns the incredible melodious intent of earlier, the band blending elements of American rock giants Heart into their root metal sound. I really can’t compare Elysion’s sound with any one band – either rock or metal! The bands sound is unique, individual, and all conquering – why the fuck have I not heard them before? Sorted now though, and I’m so glad – ‘Raid The Universe’ displaying more punch and crunch than any other song heard so far. And another cracker of a chorus that’s gonna go down a storm live in concert – the band catering for a live audience as well as a home one. And the bands varied approach to metal continues with the progressive balladry of the mid paced ‘This Time’, and a heaviness that’ll actually keep lighters in pockets! The band deceptive with regards to musical direction whenever a song begins is incredibly arousing, the mind going into overdrive trying to guess which path Elysion are gonna take!

‘Brand New Me’ slow burns into life and then throws a forceful uppercut that takes you totally by surprise – the heavy hitting nature of ‘Brand New Me’ bowling you over and leaving you flat on your back! The band, continuing their wonderful journey of surprises, are in a class all on their own – ‘Blue Seasons’ the heaviest hitting of all the songs on offer. Yet the band meld heavy hitting with melodic mastery with progressive pomp and anthemic overtures! And just for good measure, a little pace too! A unique sound that’s as individual as every human being on the planet – Elysion one of the surprise discoveries of the year! At least for me anyway – ‘Eternity’ ending the album as it began, with heart melting riffs, sensual vocals, and an intensity second to none. A highly recommended album for metallers who wish to experience more variety than Heinz, Elysion, with ‘Bring Out Your Dead’, may be the biggest surprise recipient when awards for best album are given out at the end of the year.

Overall, a sultry slab of addictive metal with plenty of style variation and a sky high infectious level.


Blink Of An Eye
Crossing Over
Far Away
Buried Alive
As The Flower Withers
Raid The Universe
This Time
Brand New Me
Blue Seasons


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities