FEN E.P. Review: “Stone & Sea”

E.P. Review by Chris Palmer


To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of Black Metal or any of its Sub-Genres, so tend to ignore most of the music released under such a moniker. However, FEN isn’t one of those bands I ignore. I have liked the band’s music ever since I heard 2014’s “Carrion Skies” album, so naturally, I couldn’t wait to listen to the band’s latest instalment.

For those who are unaware, FEN is a three-piece that hails from England. The band was formed in 2006 and is named after a region in Eastern England called The Fens. Also called The Fenlands, The Fens are a naturally marshy region which were drained several centuries ago. Apparently, they are now mostly a flat, damp, low-lying agricultural region. According to Wikipedia, a fen is an individual area of marshland or former marshland. Anyway, enough talk of the English regions and landscapes! Let’s get back to the matter at hand… As I said, FEN is a three-piece and sits in the Atmospheric Black Metal/Post-Rock genre and is made up by Grungyn [Bass & Vocals], The Watcher [Guitar & Vocals], and Derwydd [Drums].

Since formation, the band has released five full-length albums and two split E.P’s, all coming after debut E.P “Ancient Sorrow”. March saw the release of FEN’s second E.P, “Stone & Sea”, which follows 2017’s excellent “Winter” album. “Stone & Sea” is limited to just 500 copies and is available on Germany’s Eisenwald label. Clocking in at over 19 and a half minutes, this E.P is a thoroughly enjoyable listen should you happen to appreciate this style of music.

Title track, “Stone And Sea”, is a wonderful piece of music containing light guitar-play and atmospheric moments that have an ability to calm the senses. FEN bring a sense of peace and tranquillity to our hectic lives during these three minutes and 50 seconds, as the track flows along calmly and sheer instrumental poetry pours from the speakers. Don’t anticipate this to be the norm from these Englishmen, though, as this number is sandwiched between two monstrous tracks which make up the rest of this release.

Opener, “Tides Of Glass”, comes firing out of the blocks with some excellent guitar-play from The Watcher, which is accompanied by the heavy rhythm section of Grungyn’s bass and Derwydd’s powerhouse drumming. The opening vocal sections contain good melody, but nothing can prepare you for the extreme vocal delivery that’s about to hit you, as FEN take matters to a different level entirely, launching into a frenzied attack of punishing heavy music and a vocal attack that feels as though as it’s coming straight from the very depths of Hell. “The Last Gravestone” closes this E.P and, in my opinion, sees FEN saving the best until last. The opening instrumental section is full of superb musicianship, and those extreme vocals are on display once again. This track’s rhythm is mightily infectious, and I absolutely love the vocal harmonies that enter after the halfway point, before more extremity and first-class musicianship bring things to a close.

To be honest, I really enjoyed this E.P, despite the genre that FEN have been labelled in. I didn’t really grasp what this three-piece are singing about, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s not the point. I can enjoy good music without having to worry about lyrical content, and that’s certainly the case with “Stone & Sea”. The three tracks offer up some first-class guitar-play, heavy rhythms, powerful drumming, and a variety of vocal attacks, all of which keep you hooked and entertained. My only disappointment is that it’s only an E.P, so I’m anticipating another full-length album from these guys soon and looking forward to it!

Overall, this is a strong release from FEN and deserves your full attention.


Tides Of Glass
Stone And Sea
The Last Gravestone


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