GRAND MAGUS Album Review: “Wolf God”

Album Review by Vicky Jackson-Milne


After waiting patiently for two years, Grand Magus fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of ‘Wolf God’. Absolutely worth the wait. This ten-track, disgustingly moist with riffs record, was voted the best album of 2019 by Metal Gods TV subscribers, and rightly so!

With an opening reminiscent of a movie score, depicting the glorious return of the villages Viking hero’s from their long voyage, ‘Gold And Glory’ sets the mood perfectly and flows in to ‘Wolf God’ effortlessly, with it’s pounding drums and the first dose of this albums most excellent riffage. The atmosphere starts to build on ‘A Hall Clad In Gold’, with passionate vocals, and a chorus that induces a fist in the air. ‘Brother Of The Storm’ takes on a slight Black Sabbath vibe with it’s opening riff, but soon descends in to Grand Magus’ doomy origins. A proper head banger.

Onward! We ride on in to ‘Dawn Of Fire’ with it’s plodding but immensely catchy rhythm and plenty of woooaaahhh’s to give you the horn. Of course I meant drinking horn, get your mind out the gutter. Next up is ‘Spear Thrower’, possibly one of the weaker tracks on the album. A little repetitive, but is still full of pummelling drums which makes up for it.

‘To Live And Die In Solitude’ is a speedy old romp, a slight similarity to Judas Priest I thought however, definitely with Magus’ touch. With a chorus as catchy as ‘Steel Vs Steel’, this track will translate well live. Slowing the pace once more for ‘Glory To The Brave’, this song showcases the bands heavier side as it chugs along.

Rounding off this epic album with the last two tracks, which is a shame that it’s over so soon,  ‘He Sent Them All to Hel’ is a bit of an 80’s metal with a hint of glam kinda trip. A pretty big curveball considering the tracks that preceded it. Though for the last track, Magus pull it out of the bag with ‘Untamed’, you’re probably best to turn this one up to eleven. A catchy as fuck chorus, guitar licks to make you blush and heavy hitting drums. An exceptional way to finish off this tremendous ride of the gods.

LISTEN FOR: ‘A Hall Clad In Gold’, ‘Brother Of The Storm’, ‘Untamed’


Gold And Glory
Wolf God
A Hall Clad In Gold
Brother Of The Storm
Dawn Of Fire
Spear Thrower
To Live And Die In Solitude
Glory To The Brave
He Sent Them All To Hel


Janne ‘JB’ Christoffersson – Lead Vox, Guitars
Mats ‘Fox’ Skinner – Bass, Vox
Ludwig ‘Ludde’ Witt – Drums

This review is the property of Vicky Jackson-Milne and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.