Heidevolk @ Snooty Fox, Wakefield

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Article by Mick ‘The Beard’ Staley

Photos by Caitin Staley

This was my first ever visit to The Snooty Fox, but now it definitely wont be my last. The set up is impressive, its not a large venue but is split over two floors with the bar downstairs as a meeting point and the venue/stage area upstairs with a small bar at the back.

I for one was impressed, although the capacity may only be about 200 max, the stage lights and sound are set up really well.

If you have never seen these guys before and you love your folk metal Heidevolk are great exponents of the genre, with two vocals creating great harmony and live its a really big sound.

Anyway I digress i was here to interview and review Heidevolk, which I did albeit with alot of technical difficulties on my part.

I had to meet the guys at a restaurant away from the venue to conduct the interview which was supposed to be a video interview, but due to the difficulties we had with equipment on the night you are getting

transcribed with the odd snippet of filmed interview.

I start off with asking about the 15 years that the guys are celebrating as a band

They went on to introduce new members and talk about making a commitment to getting to UK more often, hopefully annually as over past 15 years they have only managed 4 times, hence they have a small UK following.

They did go to HRH a couple of years ago though, where I first saw them.

I asked the guys about how difficult it was to fit in touring around work and they went on to tell me they worked in jobs such as IT, plastering and sound engineer and organ builder!

They have a tour planned in 2018 with korpiklaani and after finishing the current tour they plan on getting back in the studio to finish of the final edits on the new album, so watch out for this one folks.

We talked about their recent acoustic set and asked if there would be more of that, they said they would love to as that is how the  band originally started way back.

I also asked about recording or playing in English as they currently perform in their mother tongue (Dutch).

They have done a couple of covers notably, ‘Rebel yell’ by Billy Idol, and they say that they have ad do plan to do more English tracks.

Their final message to MGTV