HIGHLORD Album Review: “Freakin’ Out Of Hell”

“Freakin’ Out Of Hell”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Highlord are a power metal band from Italy formed in 1998, releasing nine albums across two decades of absolutely astounding and dramatically energy driven power metal performances. The band are electrically charged – sizzling with passion and fizzing with panache. Their new album ‘Freakin’ Out Of Hell’ (released in 2022) is eleven songs and fifty minutes of epic and glory styled power metal…

…with a heavy progressive nature and a dose or two of aggression! The one minute intro ‘Prelude To Hell,’ begins the album in anticipation fuelled mood, drawing the listener in and then hitting them hard with the opening song (proper) ‘Soul Sucker’ – and a jack hammer style of metal comes oozing outta the speakers! And then a change of pace and we’re off and running ala classic power metal, Highlord pounding the ground hard, immediately turning heads and making every listener, fan and follower sit up and take notice. The energetic start to ‘Freakin’ Out Of Hell’ (the album) has been incredible – and the energy is not lost as the title song ‘Freakin’ Out Of Hell’ comes to life with a NWOBHM sounding guitar riff and then races off at high speed. And then the progressive side to the band slows the pace to an almighty foot stomp, and a melodious intent that is beyond sky high! And the chorus too, just wow! What a sing a long moment that’ll be in concert – the crowd all chanting, singing, or screaming at the tops of their voices.

After such an incredible opening double, Highlord make it a treble with the phenomenal ‘Sweet Unknown’, and an infectious level that is simply out of this world. The pace is akin to the legendary “foot on the monitor” feel – and even though the band drop a gear, you’ll still be head banging hard from start to finish. To say ‘Sweet Unknown’ is my favourite song off the album would be unfair to all the songs remaining – so I’ll just say it’s my favourite song so far. With more majesty and head held high than heard before, ‘Off The Beaten Path’ is a bold and impressive mid tempo power metal march – the immense infectious level that the band began the album with is even higher now. It just keeps multiplying! Methinks this is turning out to be one of those albums that’ll remain on listeners playlists for a very long time. And with songs like ‘Hollow Space’ hitting the bullseye of brilliance, it’s easy to see why. Blending balladry with a hymn-like boldness, ‘Hollow Space’ is as majestic as you can get. Lighters will be held high, with every single listener and concert goer swaying from side to side in rhythmic unison.

Returning to the power and oomph of earlier, ‘If You Say Yes’ is progressive power metal at its finest. The pace, the gear changes, and the sheer swagger is top notch. And all rolled up in a thick layer of infectiousness too! And the chorus is gorgeous – melodic, catchy, and incredibly sing a long-able! Definitely one of the best choruses I have ever heard. And oh my God! Electrifying pace lights up the album courtesy of ‘Eyes Open Wide’ – bringing forth a head bang ability not heard previously. And then Highlord hit the brakes, drop down a gear, and march on with heads held high. ‘Eyes Open Wide’ is an incredible slab of progressive fuelled pace changing power metal – my new favourite song off the album! And the pace continues with ‘The Devil’s Doorbell’ racing down the autostrade at high speed, catching the eye of the local Polizia Stradale! I’m telling ya – this album has an infectious level like no other. And the intensity too, off the scale and into infinity and beyond!

And with just two songs left to go, ‘Freakin’ Out Of Hell’ (the album) is one of my favourite releases of the year – and boy there’s been plenty! But there’s just something about this Italian five piece that makes their latest album stand tall – very tall. ‘Fallen From Grace’ adopting the majestic mid tempo swagger from earlier, punching hard and kicking harder. Highlord may be a power metal band, but every so often they dip their toes into the traditional metal pond – ‘Fallen From Grace’ definitively proving this point. And to end the album, the band deliver the punchiest song on offer – ‘One Eyed Jack’ returning the jack hammer style riffing heard earlier. The energy and oomph of ‘One Eyed Jack’ has ended ‘Freakin’ Out Of Hell’ (the album) with an unbroken level of intensity, and a salute from every listener for delivering a sparkling album of progressive power metal.

Overall, a sizzling power metal march of the highest order, Highlord have surprised and delighted with their latest album.


Prelude To Hell
Soul Sucker
Freakin’ Out Of Hell
Sweet Unknown
Off The Beaten Path
Hollow Space
If You Say Yes
Eyes Open Wide
The Devil’s Doorbell
Fallen From Grace
One Eyed Jack


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities