HOLLOW Album Review: “Tower”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Between 1995 and 1999, there was a Swedish power prog metal band, by the name of Hollow, who came from Umea, and released two full albums, 1997’s “Modern Cathedral” and 1999’s “Architect Of The Mind”, before they split up.

In 2009, guitarist and vocalist Andreas Stoltz resurrected the name Hollow as a solo project, when he wrote and released the song “Descending” in memory of Crimson Glory’s vocalist, Midnight, who sadly passed away that year. Eleven years later, Andreas Stoltz released a full album under the name Hollow, 2020’s “Between Eternities Of Darkness” a concept album which was a dark and tragic story of a small familiy’s journey into tragedy. Andreas Stoltz teamed with Staldo Zantos who performed the drum parts to the album. This collaboration between Stoltz and Zantos has continued with this album “Tower”, which is another story. This time, the story is about transformation, exploring the concept of inner and outer freedom as you grow through life. Staldo Zantos not only drums on this album, but is also active as co-writer.

The ten songs here last for just over half an hour and the opening song “Birth” starts with some clean, strummed guitar with Andreas Stoltz singing, before the drums, bass and electric guitar come in and things build for the chorus. This one follows the well used soft verse, heavy chorus style, but it is done well. The title song “The Tower” follows, and is a much heavier song, with chugging riffs and nice melodic vocals. “Guardian” is next and is another heavy rocker with (once again) melodic vocals.

Fourth song “The Waiting Is Over” starts off slow and gentle, but quickly a moshtastic riff is here and the song builds, before slowing down again. The use of light and shade here, is better than on the opening song. “Destroyer Of Worlds” sounds as dark and heavy as you would imagine from the title and brings back memories of the great and much missed prog metal band, Balance Of Power. Sixth song “Every Drop Of My Blood” comes tearing out of the starting gate and although it slows for the chorus, it loses none of its heaviness. Andreas Stoltz also treats us to some great guitar solos in this album and the one here is no exception. This song is not only heavy and melodic, but also the most emotional so far.

“Sunrise” follows, and again, it uses the well used soft verse, heavy, rocking chorus style. We get a nice gentle, start to “A Home Forgotten”, but again this follows the soft/heavy pattern, although this has the best use of light and shade on the album and also the best guitar solo as well. This song is definitely the highlight of the album for me. Ninth song “Nation Of Man” is next up, and is a good melodic rocker. Like the rest of the album, this would go down well in the live arena. “Wander On”, the final song starts with another heavy, chugging riff and again, follows the well used heavy/soft pattern.

The production of the album is nice, crisp and clear and the album is not only heavy and melodic, but has very emotional moments as well. Sadly though, I feel that there is untapped potential here, some of the songs feel like they are over too quickly, some of the musical passages are crying out for a bit more time. This may be due to a lack of other musicians to bounce ideas off. The soft/heavy pattern feels a bit overdone, that it wouldn’t hurt for a song to be slow and gentle all the way through, and a couple of the heavier, rockier songs would benefit from not having a soft, gentle passage in them.

All in all though, not a bad album.


The Tower
The Waiting Is Over
Destroyer Of Worlds
Every Drop Of My Blood
A Home Forgotten
Nation Of Man
Wander On


This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities