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Album Review by Iron Mathew

Ignited are a heavy metal band from Brazil formed in 2017, releasing their debut album ‘Steelbound’ in 2019.
Featuring a hard hitting, almost NWOBHM styled brand of metal, Brazilian metallers Ignited power on to the heavy metal scene with their ferocious debut ‘Steelbound’. Clocking in at just under forty minutes, Ignited pack ten songs in – starting with the electric ‘Ignition’. Featuring a fast paced “foot on the monitor” feel ala traditional heavy metal, Ignited make their entrance into heavy metal in barnstorming fashion. The big impression made by ‘Ignition’, is further enhanced by the heavier and, just as quick. ‘Pain’. Ignited may be a Brazilian band, but they have nailed the NWOBHM sound to a tee. The galloping pace of the albums opening two songs, could well have been delivered by a British band – but no, this is Ignited, from Brazil. Third song, and the title song, ‘Steelbound’ is just as heavy as what has gone before, yet manages to raise just a little feeling of menace.
Ignited sound hungry, and are definitely passionate about what they do, as the band thunder on with the mid tempo heavy stomper ‘Living In The Dark’. Taking on the mantle of anthemic metal, Ignited deliver a Manowar style anthem, minus the power metal influence – for Ignited are a heavy metal band, through and through. Featuring the more hustle and bustle style of metal, ‘Call Me To Run’ is a thunderous march of heaviness – the heaviest song heard so far. And as we approach the albums mid point, the intensity hasn’t relented for one second, the album a crushing cacophony of catchy heavy metal. Until now… ‘Times’ softening the hammer blows of the previous five songs, introducing a much more melodic feel. The influence of the NWOBHM is evidenced by the instantly recognisable buzzing riffage – the iconic guitar sound of the NWOBHM evolution. If ever there was a song that described what it does – then ‘Ground Pounding’ is surely it… The ground is gonna shake and walls crumble when Ignited roll through town performing ‘Ground Pounding’. Weaklings run for cover, diehards stand tall and scream “yeaaahhhhhh”.
And as we enter the albums final quarter, we find Ignited wandering the border of power ballad territory with ‘Shining Void’, having a look, but never entering. Like a Maiden or a Priest that get close to ballads but remain just too heavy to fall in, Ignited keep ‘Shining Void’ away from lighters in the air and a swaying audience. And I wonder what a song with the title ‘Roaring Gears’ is gonna sound like? A roaring cacophony of fast paced metal that’s what! ‘Roaring Gears’ is probably the albums heaviest and fastest offering, obliterating small towns and villages with relentless endeavour. And talking of relentless – the rhythm of the final song ‘Rotting’, hits you like a jack hammer, yet the melodic and sing a long style chorus will soothe your bruises. Ignited have greatly impressed with their debut album, delivering a pulsating slice of very heavy, and very traditional, heavy metal.
Overall, a ground pounding slab of intense heavy metal, featuring classic traits from the NWOBHM and traditional styles of metal.
Living In The Dark
Call Me To Run
Ground Pounding
Shining Void
Roaring Gears

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.