INDUCTION Album Review: “Born From Fire”

“Born From Fire”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Induction are a symphonic power metal band from the Czech Republic formed in 2014 releasing their self titled debut album in 2019, with sophomore album ‘Born From Fire’, a 2022 release.

Featuring a bombastic and emphatic blast of energy, Induction return for their second full length album with a barnstorming fifty minutes of power – and a new singer! Craig Cairns (Tailgunner) takes over the mic, and is perfectly suited to the lively nature of Induction’s music – music that is so powerful it’ll knock your fucking head off! Just take album opener (and title song) ‘Born From Fire’ as a prime example…OOF, what a song! And what a way to begin an album – full of energy and fizz, ‘Born From Fire’ (the song) sets a ferocious pace as it explodes outta the blocks like a championship sprinter going for gold! The purpose and intent is incredible, with the iconic “foot on the monitor” feel of traditional heavy metal complimenting the songs power metal roots. Simply wow! And the wow factor remains in force with the red hot scorching second song ‘Scorched’ – all seven minutes and five seconds of it…making it the longest song on offer! The majestic march and bold nature of ‘Scorched’ is anthemic, with an atmosphere of tall and proud, shoulders back and preening! An outstanding opening double that’s bound to turn heads and make jaws drop!

The intensity, energy and oomph, remain sky high for ‘Fallen Angel’ – a bombastic beast of a song that stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Battle Beast, Beast In Black and Metalite…three of the most engaging, exciting, and exhilarating power metal bands around at the moment. Induction are relentless in their pursuit of power metal to please, the symphonic side to their music the icing on cake! With a short tension fuelled intro, ‘Go To Hell’ pounds the ground hard, full of energy and an insane desire to be overly bouncy and buoyant. My head has been nodding back and forth since ‘Born From Fire’ (the album) began – and I have a feeling it won’t stop ’til the albums end. And without a pause for a breather, the band roar on with the heaviest song heard so far…’Embers’ a thundering rampage of electric energy and pizzazz! Where Induction get their energy from is anyone’s guess – but they must have a gigantic supply, for the album is chock full of it.

With a menacing guitar riff, ‘Order & Chaos’ strides into sight and marches on with a heavier intent than anything heard so far – and is that a little aggression in the vocals too! ‘Order & Chaos’ a fiery little jaunt with the most melodious chorus ever – I defy you all to not be singing along. The breathless pace and power of the album shows no sign of slowing down – ‘The Beauty Of Monstrance’ taking over the baton and striding on majestically. The epic and atmospheric feel is that of the glory style of heavy metal…Induction remaining steadfast in the power metal genre, yet bringing in touches of other styles to keep their sound varied and alive. The fastest song heard so far ‘Queen Of Light’, is an all out gallop of energy driven heavy come power metal, pulsating with melodious intent and an infectious level higher than felt anywhere else on the album. To say ‘Queen Of Light’ is my favourite song on ‘Born From Fire’ (the album), would be unfair on the three songs remaining – so I’ll just say it’s my favourite so far (you know, just in case).

And still the energy level remains extremely high, ‘I Am Alive’ the next power surge – a power surge that has a hint of the legendary Helloween sound about it! Think back to Helloween’s landmark ‘Keeper Of The Seven Keys’ albums, and maybe you’ll hear what I hear. Induction paying homage to one of the pioneering bands of the power metal genre. Clocking in at just over six minutes in length, ‘Ghost Of Silence’ is mid tempo majesty mixed with a fast paced gallop – the changing of gears seamless yet dramatic! What an album ‘Born From Fire’ has been – breathless, rampant, urgent, infectious, I could go on – but with the final song just around the corner, I’ll put my thesaurus to one side and carry on with my review! ‘Eternal Silence’ is a complete u-turn to everything that has gone before…a mellow and serene atmosphere descending over the album, as the band stroll into ballad country. So raise your lighters high and sway from side to side as Induction deliver an emotionally charged ending to their sophomore album.

Overall, an energetic and sizzling romp of all out power metal, highly melodic, insanely infectious and one hundred percent addictive.


Born From Fire
Fallen Angel
Go To Hell
Order & Chaos
The Beauty Of Monstrance
Queen Of Light
I Am Alive
Ghost Of Silence
Eternal Silence

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities