JENNER Album Review: “Prove Them Wrong”

“Prove Them Wrong”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Jenner are an all female speed/thrash metal band from Serbia formed in 2013 by guitarist Aleksandra Stamenkovic (aka Aleksandra Lioness), releasing the bands debut album ‘To Live Is To Suffer’ in 2017. The bands sound is an aggressive, almost brutal blend of speed and thrash metal, similar in style to the likes of Anthrax, Exodus and Overkill. The band has undergone a number of line-up changes over the years, the current line-up consisting of Anja Mirkovic (bass) and Selena Simic (drums), alongside founding member Aleksandra (guitar, vocals) for the bands sophomore album ‘Prove Them Wrong’…

…released in 2024 featuring nine songs across a ferocious forty four minutes! The band are on fucking fire, roaring louder than ever to deliver an aggression fuelled, fast paced barrage of all out head bang ability – ‘No Time For Prayer’ crawling in with a menacing, mellow crescendo building intro, exploding furiously into life after a minute and a half to become an all out thrasher! The speed is incredible, the three piece outfit blazing a fiery trail across the land, devastating towns and cities with a tremendous amount of force to leave only desolation in their wake!

Title song ‘Prove Them Wrong’ picks up the baton from the opening salvo, running faster and with more purpose too – the incredible speed breaking limits and defying every known law of physics. The opening brace has been breathless, Jenner doing what they do best – thrash fucking hard! And bang the head of every single metalhead around the world, ‘Prove Them Wrong’ (the song) fiercely working the mosh pits – ‘Born For Something More’ maintaining the albums sensational start! Sensational in terms of head bang ability and sheer intensity, the band setting the early pace with regards to the best thrash metal album of the year. And yes, I realise the year is only a month old, but the thrashers from Serbia are setting this years standard for every other thrash band to beat! And ‘Prove Them Wrong’ (the album) is gonna be hard to beat, especially with ‘Born For Something More’ portraying the incredibly melodic side of thrash, the band mixing traditional heavy metal into into their thrashy roots! Now I’d imagine every fan and follower would give their right arm to be down the front at a Jenner live performance, getting as close as possible to the stunning music and looks on show, as the three ladies gracing the stage could easily win every beauty contest around – they’d all get my vote for sure! Winning new fans everyday with a phenomenal display of power, pace and intensity, Jenner are storming up thrash metals hierarchy, ‘Down In The Pit’ offering more menace and mood than heard so far! The band have dropped a gear, stomping the ground with so much force tectonic plates all over the world are shifting! Not to mention setting off volcanoes and causing earthquakes to ripple the Earth’s surface!

The band are a tour de force, hammering the senses with the kinda thrash metal I absolutely adore – and I’m sure you do too! Although for just a moment, the band mellow out once more for a tension fuelled intro to set ‘Not Even You’ on its way – a more menacing feel descending upon the album than heard previously. Even the vocals are harsher too, the range of Aleksandra stretching from clean to a howling rasp, setting the frighteners on every listener with a less than adequate defence mechanism! Yet for us die hard metallers that have listened to metal in all its guises for many a year, we’re more than equipped to deal with any level of intensity that comes our way – and in the shape of rising thrashers Jenner, “bring it on”. And bring it on they do with an electrifying change of pace, ‘Eye For An Eye’ speeding on at full throttle, banging heads more vigorously than ever before! The level of head bang ability, along with the infectious and loveable levels, are smashing right through the fucking roof, ‘Prove Them Wrong’ (the album) getting better and better with every song that hurtles by. Jenner have been on my radar since their debut release (nearly seven years ago) – a changing line-up doing nothing to deflate band founder Aleksandra’s determination and drive. Which shines ever so brightly across the new albums entire length, ‘I Saw It Clear’ adopting a more mid tempo pace and feel, the band hitting just as hard as ever. Always fiery and feisty, Jenner have got my vote for album of the month, and may well get my vote for album of the year too! I know 2024 has just begun, but the Serbian stunners have laid down the gauntlet for everyone to beat…

…which to be fair is gonna be a very hard task to master – the band maintaining top speed with the all out fury of ‘Never Say Die’. The incredible intensity level that’s run through the album since it began has never dipped, Jenner delivering aggressive and in your face thrash metal with a phenomenal amount of attraction! Attraction that’s magnetised, pulling everyone into the bands soundscape – there’s no negativity here, only positivity! And as ‘Prove Them Wrong’ (the album) hurtles closer to its final hurrah, one last reflection on what has simply been, a superb album – ‘Laws Of The Weak’ bringing up the rear with more savagery than heard anywhere else! The longest song on offer at over six minutes in length, ‘Laws Of The Weak’ is surely gonna become a fan favourite, mosh pits all around the world turning frenzied as every single metalhead furiously bangs their head one final time.

Overall, a barnstorming barrage of all out thrash metal from a band on fire, ‘Prove Them Wrong’ is aggressive, fast paced and immensely head bang-able.


No Time For Prayer
Prove Them Wrong
Born For Something More
Down In The Pit
Not Even You
Eye For An Eye
I Saw It All Clear
Never Say Die
Laws Of The Weak

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities