Jinjer Single Review: “Ape”

Single Review by Dark Juan

Jinjer are:

Tatiana Shmailyuk – vocals
Roman Ibramkhalilov – guitars
Eugene Kostyuk – bass
Vladislav Ulasevish – drums

A single review. I’ve never done one of these before. Normally I can witter on for hours about absolutely nothing whilst listening to an album, but this? This is absolute torture for one such as I who enjoys imparting the wisest of wisdom and witty bon mots with gay and carefree abandon. Stop your giggling.

Jinjer are a Ukrainian band making reasonably big waves around the metal world at the minute and all of them have absolutely incomprehensible names.

Fronted by the remarkable and estimable Tatiana Shmailyuk, a woman with a voice that effortlessly ranges from sweet contralto to acid growling ferocity, they play music that is anarchic and complex. Ape (being the name of the single I am listening to) sounds like a particularly violent and cocaine-fuelled night of furious sexual passion between mathcore Mudvayne (not that whiny neo-emo shite they became – I’m talking LD50 era Mudvayne. Mad make up, electric blue dreadlocks, roaring and a spectacularly mentally damaged bassist), Meshuggah, System Of  A Down and Human Waste Project. There’s syncopation, slap bass, choppy and angular riffage and it’s a good tune. It’s a worthy listen and will end up in a playlist somewhere in my car for waking the rest of the village up at 3:15am on a Monday morning. The bastards. If I’m not sleeping they aren’t either. You can imagine the level of my popularity in the village. Fucking lovable, me.

The Patented Dark Juan Blood Splat Single Rating System (it’s for singles, it’s completely different than the original and best Patented Dark Juan Blood Splat Rating System) awards Jinjer 7/10 for a fine introduction to their sound.




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