KASCK E.P. Review: “Deal With The Devil”

“Deal With The Devil”
E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Kasck are a thrash metal band from India founded by vocalist/guitarist Mayank Katare in 2015, releasing two singles – ‘Deal With The Devil’ (2020) and ‘Death To The Crooked’ (2021), followed by their debut E.P. ‘Deal With The Devil’.

Influenced by the sound of old school thrash as well as a modern metal approach, the three piece from Pune are a bold and brazen firestorm of ferocity – ‘Death To The Crooked’ opening the E.P. and storming off at a scorching pace! Aggressive and in your face vocals just adds more weight to ‘Death To The Crooked’ – a weight that’s heavy enough to break bones and crush skulls.

After such a brutal opening salvo, the band drop a gear for ‘The Punisher’ to adopt one of the heaviest foot stomps I’ve ever heard – and a guitar sound more akin to the sound of traditional heavy metal than thrash. Throaty, growly vocals remain, with Kasck setting a blistering pace over the chorus break. And returning the pace of earlier, ‘A Thousand Deaths’ is a raucous rampage of aggression and ferocity – the band storming on with an in your face attitude and an unrelenting desire to destroy!

The fourth and final song on offer is the title song ‘Deal With The Devil’, maintaining the previous songs pace, and introducing a more melodic feel than heard anywhere else on the E.P. Kasck showing maturity and prowess as ‘Deal With The Devil’ (the song) roars to a conclusion.

Overall, a blistering four song barrage of savagery, Kasck deliver a bold, brash and harsh fifteen minutes of ferocity.


Death To The Crooked
The Punisher
A Thousand Deaths
Deal With The Devil


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities