KHYMERA Album Review: “Master Of Illusions”

Album Review by Syl Pdll


Khymera started as a project endorsed by the Italian record label Frontiers Records that included the participation of the Italian producer and musician Daniele Liverani and the singer Steve Walsh (Kansas), however, it acquired more regularity with the entry of the producer and musician of German origin Dennis Ward who has served as a vocalist since the album “A New Promise” in 2005. “Masters of Illusions” is the latest studio album of this released in the first quarter of this year.

Walk Away is the first song on this album and begins with some chords to the rhythm of the keyboards being the most dominant instrument during this song. Dennis Ward’s vocal execution is dynamic playing with different vocal ranges that add strength without losing the sweetness that has characterized melodic metal.

The First Time starts with the piano chords followed by the power of the guitar and drums. This group has chosen to emphasize the choruses throughout this song that, combined with Dennis Ward’s melodic voice, add more sentimentality to this second song on the album.

Master Of Illusions is the namesake song from this album. The combination of electronic elements in combination with the melodic metal chords are present just like in the previous songs. We can see the German singer playing low tones in much of the song, which allows us to show his vocal ability.

The Sun Goes Down begins with an introduction in which the keyboards are the dominant instrument, however, it gains strength as one of the songs with a more dynamic rhythmic base in instrumental and vocal terms as the song progresses. The chorus part is a very catchy undeniable characteristic of this musical genre.

Paradise is the first ballad of this album and from the beginning it creates an atmosphere characterized by bass and guitar, as well as electronic elements by the hand of the keyboards. The vocal performance is soft at the beginning and grows stronger when it reaches the chorus accompanied by the characteristic choruses in the background where the song turns with a harder rock oriented rhythm.

The Rhythm of Life begins to the beat of keyboards where Dennis Ward uses a vocal range where he emphasizes the last sentences of the first verses of the song influenced perhaps by other genres such as soul creating an interesting combination. The chorus is repetitive and catchy, being characteristic elements of melodic rock in a song that poses a metaphor about life itself.

Follow The Sun takes on a more rock tint compared to previous songs, giving way to guitars as the dominant instrument. In this song it is possible to appreciate Dennis Ward using lower tones of voice which adds more emotion to this track, specifically to the part of the chorus. The guitar solo featured in the middle is brilliant.

Father To Son is perhaps one of the most personal songs of this band and it is presented as a ballad. The vocal performance is presented as a narrative and evokes the relationship on an emotional level that is maintained with father and son, it is a song that brings with it airs of nostalgia and melancholy and that only Dennis Ward has known how to touch even the most sensitive fibers.

After All This Time generates that positive vibes on a musical level again, although in lyrical terms it refers to couple relationships. With a fairly solid rhythmic base that is distinguished by the combination of keyboard and guitar chords with quite catchy lyrics from start to finish.

Victim Of Your Love raises a new reflection about the decision-making we make personally, although this song raises it in a romantic aspect. It is a song that starts softly and that drastically changes rhythm to a more rock oriented one where the guitars sound constantly and repetitively. It is a great song that prepares us towards the end of this album that has been liked by the variety of sounds that it presents musically and vocally.  

Just Let It Happen is the song that closes this album. The presence of electronic elements is presented in this song that is combined with the power of the guitars whose harmony returns to that softness to make way for the voice of Dennis Ward, who have performed spectacularly. He has proposed a good closure for a job that leaves him wanting more.

Khymera has presented a versatile album that combines the strength of hard rock with the sweetness of the melodic creating an interesting combination. He had not had the opportunity to hear Dennis Ward taking the vocal role inside a band and he is playing a great role: charisma, high or low voices that thrill the viewer and a broad knowledge of the music industry that makes this album be a work that definitely has to be heard.


Walk Away
The First Time
Master Of Illusions
The Sun Goes Down
The Rhythm Of My Life
Follow The Sun
Father To Son
After All This Time
Victim Of Your Love
Just Let It Happen

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