Leah Album Review: “The Quest”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Leah McHenry is a Canadian singer and songwriter from Vancouver, BC. She writes songs that mix both metal and celtic music with influences from fantasy, folklore, landscapes and historical fiction. Leah’s fans have said that she is the metal Enya and describe her music as a cross between Lord Of The Rings and Nightwish. “The Quest” is Leah’s fourth album to date, following her previous three albums, the award winning debut from 2012, “Of Earth And Angels”, 2013’s “Otherworld” and 2015’s “Kings And Queens”.

For this album Leah worked with Olliver Philipps, who not only produced the album, but also helped with the arrangements and orchestration for the music, and Leah praises him highly for his work here. To help her with creating this album, Leah has gathered some of the top musicians in metal today:

*Troy Donnockley (Nightwish) – Celtic Pipes and Flutes
*Barend Courbois (Blind Guardian) – Bass Guitar
*Timo Somers (Delain) – Rhythm and Lead Guitars
*Sander Zoer (Ex-Delain) – Drums and Percussion
*Chen Balbons (Orphaned Land) – Middle Eastern Oud and Saz

The album is full of epic songs; full of time changes, different musical styles and instrumental solos. The opening song and album’s title track “The Quest” is a big, epic 10 minutes and 18 seconds. This album should get your full attention, it deserves no less. There is a lot that goes on in almost every song, yet at no point do the musicians crowd each other and each has their opportunity to shine, which they ably do. All the songs are well written and crafted and the production is crisp and clear. Leah’s praise of Olliver Philipps’ work on this album is justified.

Leah can sing, which she ably demonstrates throughout the record, especially during the near accapella final song “The Water Is Wide”. This album is a feast for the ears and is going to be getting a lot of plays, for a long time.


The Quest
Edge Of Your Sword
Lion Arises
Ruins Of Illusion
Oblivion (Between Two Worlds)
Ghost Upon A Throne
The Water Is Wide


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