LEATHERWOLF Album Review: “Kill The Hunted”

“Kill The Hunted”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Leatherwolf are a heavy metal band from the USA formed in 1981, releasing three albums – ‘Leatherwolf’ (1984), ‘Leatherwolf’ (1987), and ‘Street Ready’ (1989) – before splitting up. Reforming ten years later in 1999, the band have gone on to release a further three albums – ‘World Asylum’ (2006), ‘New World Asylum’ (2007), and ‘Kill The Hunted’ released in 2022…

….and just to clear up some possible confusion – yes, Leatherwolf have released two self titled albums. Band founder Dean Roberts (drums), is the only remaining original member. So what of the new album? Eleven songs across fifty minutes, each and every one featuring the classic sound of traditional heavy metal. Opening salvo ‘Hit The Dirt’ is an explosive and raucous romp of “foot on the monitor” metal, guaranteed to get the heads of metal heads rocking back and forth. And hard! Leatherwolf getting their new album off to an absolute flyer. Introducing a more hustle and bustle feel, ‘Nobody’ is rough and tough, yet melodic. Much more melodic than the albums opening effort. The head bang ability is still top drawer, the band catering for the metal traditionalists with an intense old school flavour.

The title song ‘Kill The Hunted’ resonates with the classic guitar sound of the iconic NWOBHM, adopting a more mid tempo stomp than either of the two previous songs. Anthemic in its delivery, ‘Kill The Hunted’ (the song) has a chant style chorus that is gonna be lapped up by everyone everywhere! Big and bold, ‘Only The Wicked’ is the hardest hitting song so far, punching and kicking hard as it rumbles on, attracting fans of hard rock too. We’ve all heard of arena rock, ‘Only The Wicked’ resembles “arena metal” – if ever there was a genre of arena metal! Picking up the pace and storming on, ‘Madhouse’ is the fastest song on offer so far, the classic galloping rhythm of traditional heavy metal making its weighty presence felt. And the chorus – sing a long-able or what!

Mid tempo fire and brimstone glows brightly as ‘Medusa’ hits hard like a thousand wrecking balls in full flight. The gear changes within ‘Medusa’ are incredible, the constant pace and power variations keeping the listener very much on their toes. A majestic and right royal feel descends over the album, as ‘The Henchmen’ strides into view and takes on the mantle of hymn-like balladry. I say balladry – but I reckon we’re actually one step away from ballad country…especially when ‘The Henchmen’ gets heavier and quicker, romping on with a purpose and intent that balladry would never deliver. Black Sabbath style doom laden riffing rises to the surface, as ‘(Evil) Empires Fall’ walks tall and proud. And the majestic swagger of the previous song is still in effect, ‘(Evil) Empires Fall’ a rowdy yet regal rumpus.

‘Road Rage’ takes flight and becomes the new fastest song on the album – with everything about the fast and furious style of traditional heavy metal making its phenomenal presence felt. Leatherwolf delivering one helluva head banging tune to move the mosh pits into overdrive! Crikey the neck muscles are gonna be tested by this one! A slight progressive nature can be heard within the aura of ‘Lights Out Again’, a heavy hitting and lurching stomp of solid metal. Gruffer and rougher than everything that’s gone before, ‘Lights Out Again’ is merciless in its aural attack. And in what seems like no time at all, we arrive at the final song – just where have these fifty minutes gone? Into heavy metal history that’s where… ‘Enslaved’ brings a very good album to a close with just as much intensity as every other song has. The rumbling pace resembling the good old foot on the monitor feel perfectly.

Overall, a thundering album of old school flavoured traditional heavy metal, thoroughly head bang-able and highly infectious.


Hit The Dirt
Only The Wicked
The Henchman
(Evil) Empires Fall
Road Rage
Lights Out Again


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities