LIONSOUL Album Review: “A Pledge To Darkness”

“A Pledge To Darkness”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


LionSoul are a power metal band from Italy, formed in 2009, releasing their debut album ‘Omega’ in 2013, with the bands sophomore album ‘Welcome Storm’ released in 2017. The band have toured across Europe, performing with the likes of Gamma Ray, Iron Savior, and Tygers Of Pan Tang. The root sound of LionSoul is based in power metal, however, as the band have grown and matured, they’ve incorporated some traditional heavy metal traits and are broadening their musical boundaries – as can be heard on (the bands third album) ‘A Pledge To Darkness’, released in 2022.

Opening with the minute and a half eerie intro ‘Continuum’, LionSoul set off a thousand fireworks with the first song proper – ‘Exile To Arise’ a fast and furious gallop of all out metal! The pace is incredible, the band firing on all cylinders as the pace swings between blistering and a traditional mid paced swagger. Adopting a more sedate speed, ‘Amber Of Illusion’ is a heavy hitting romp of old school flavoured metal. The iconic guitar sound of the legendary NWOBHM evolution leads the way as ‘Amber Of Illusion’ majestically struts its stuff. An opening double salvo displaying the bands power metal, and traditional metal prowess – with power metal rising to the surface for the roaring chugger ‘Wailing In Red’. And a chorus that is so infectious, a concert going crowd will heartily sing a long to.

The intensity across the albums opening three songs has been terrific, and shows no sign of letting up with the up front bluster of ‘No Beginning (Nor An End)’. More attitudinal than what has gone before, ‘No Beginning (Nor An End)’ shows a more muscular side to the band, a thrusting rhythm pushing the song forth with gusto. ‘Soldier Through Time’ displays a pace changing tempo altering hustle and bustle type of nature, the song stomping through verses and galloping through choruses. Good luck trying to guess which way ‘Soldier Through Time’ will turn next! The heavy thrusting force continues with ‘Skin 2’, increasing pace and flying on like the Japanese bullet train. The band still mixing power, and traditional metal to great effect, with the bands global fan base smiling from ear to ear. Every song so far has rattled by quite quickly – not surprising as the first seven songs all chime in at under four and a half minutes in length! And then in comes the albums title song ‘A Pledge To Darkness’, breaching the five minute mark – and swaggering forth with a majestic foot stomping attitude. The slowest of all songs heard so far, ‘A Pledge To Darkness’ (the song) is full of anthemic leanings as it strides on all tall and proud.

And as the album enters its final quarter a more mellow aura descends in the shape of ‘Red Flame’ – a cross between balladry and hymn-like majesty. Let’s call it hymn-like balladry! For ‘Red Flame’ lacks the oomph of the album so far, but retains the overall infectious and addictive feel, keeping you hooked and not losing your interest for a second. Chugging guitars give life to ‘Man, Machine, Almost Rhyme’, adopting a high pace gallop as it gets fully underway. Heavier and darker than any other song on offer, LionSoul continue their meld of power, and traditional metal with total aplomb – fans of these two great genres are surely gonna love this album. And bringing the album to a close is the classic sounding power metaller ‘The Strangers’ – pace and power combining to end the album in a furious flourish.

Overall, a forceful rampage of power come traditional metal that is both infectious and addictive.


Exile To Arise
Amber Of Illusion
Wailing In Red
No Beginning (Nor An End)
Soldier Through Time
Skin 2
A Pledge To Darkness
Red Flame
Man, Machine, Almost Rhyme
The Strangers

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities