LOVEBITES E.P. Review: “Glory Glory To The World”

“Glory Glory To The World”
E.P. Review by Piers Renfree


Formed in Tokyo in 2016, Lovebites are a Japanese power metal band, who have been fairly busy since they formed and even won “Best New Band” at Metal Hammer’s Golden Gods Awards.

Consisting of Asami (vocals), Midori (guitar), Miyako (guitar), Miko (bass) and Haruna (drums), this is their sixth release to date, following their debut E.P. “The Lovebites” (May 2017), “Awakening From The Abyss” LP (October 2017), “Battle Against Damnation” E.P. (June 2018), “Clockwork Immortality” LP (December 2018), and “Electric Pentagram” LP (January 2020). 

Released on the Victor label, this four song E.P. was produced by Steve Jacobs, mixed by Mikko Karmita and mastered by Mika Jussila. Keyboards and programming was done by Mia. 

Opening with an epic and majestic piece on the keyboards “Glory To The World” is a rip roaring song that is very reminiscent of DragonForce. Epic keyboards throughout and the melodies from the guitars and Asami’s vocals keep the heroic and majestic feel going on.

Without pause for breath, Lovebites tear into “No Time To Hesitate” a thrash inspired song and it works very well. The band engage in Maiden-esque dual guitar harmonies in here as well. This thrash/power metal combo, with guitar harmonies is something that I would love to hear more of. 

“Paranoia” starts off with a marching beat from Haruna on the drums and some nice piano before the guitars kick in and is another nice, rip roaring track. The guitars have a nice modern, thrash bite to them in this one as well. The band employ time and tempo changes throughout the E.P. 

Fourth song “Dystopia Symphony” is an epic song that really showcases what the band are capable of, both as songwriters and musicians.

“Winds of Transylvania” – the theme song to the Animé “Vlad Love” which was written and performed by the band is a bonus track here that I was lucky to get for this review, as it’s not available on every edition of this E.P. Again it shows the band’s musical talents and fits right in with the other songs here.

Lovebites are no slouches when it comes to their craft and I look forward to hearing more from them soon.


Glory To The World
No Time To Hesitate
Dystopia Symphony
Winds Of Translyvannia

This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities