Madog Album Review: “Raven”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Madog are a classic/power metal band from Villach in Austria and were founded as far back as 1991. Their debut album “Dreamland” was released in 2000 and the following year they released their second album, “Fairy Tales Of Darkness”. Currently the band’s line up consists of Hansi Zedrosser – vocals & guitar, Alex Humer – guitar, Otto Zedrosser – bass guitar and Lukas Lobnig – drums. After many delays, the band’s third album “Raven” was finally released last October.

Opening song “Call Of The Raven” is a wierd, gothicy, yet epic intro to the album and quickly launches in to the second song “Raven”, which is a fast paced song with some nice double bass drumming from Lukas Lobnig and Hansi Zedrosser’s vocals are clean throughout this record. The band excel in time changes that Maiden would be proud of and the final chorus is sung over acoustic guitar.

 “Monstergate” is the third song and another fast paced rocker. There is an 80’s thrash bite to the guitars, a la Metallica, this will be lapped up by fans of Iced Earth. The pace slows for the mid-fast paced “Sinner” with it’s Middle Eastern-esque picked notes. “Hell Defender” is the album’s fifth song and the pace picks up for this one. Sixth song “Place Of War” keeps up the pace and has a great sing-along chorus that should go down well in the live arena. Hansi Zedrosser’s vocals are reminiscent of Saxon’s Biff Byford here.

 The pace slows for the album’s seventh song, “Riding For The Priest” which again has some more Middle Eastern sounding melodies in it and Hansi Zedrosser pulls off some screaming that Rob Halford would be proud of. “Childrens Cry” is the eighth song and the pace slows here, but picks up for the chorus. Widdly guitar introduces “Loud”, the ninth song on the album and the pace picks up for this fast paced rocker.

The album’s tenth song, “Rise And Fall” is another fast paced song and should appeal to fans of Iced Earth. “Glorious” has a slow riff for the verses that alternates between picked guitar and thrashy chords. The pace picks up and slows down for this one. The album’s twelfth and final song “Out In The Fields” starts with some nice picked guitar, then the pace picks up and finally settles on a chugging, mid-paced riff.

All in all this is a great record and the band are unashamedly proud of their trad metal roots. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait too long for their next album.


Call Of The Raven
Hell Defender
Place Of War
Riding For The Priest
Childrens Cry
Rise And Fall
Out In The Fields

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