Manacle Album Review: “No Fear To Persevere…”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Manacle are a heavy metal band from Canada formed in 2013, releasing their debut album in 2018.

Hailing from the country that gave the world such greats as Anvil, Exciter and Annihilator, comes another breath taking avalanche of blistering heavy metal. The debut album from Manacle may only feature six songs across thirty minutes, but for those thirty minutes you will be head banging frantically and punching the air in delight. Pulverising the airways with the albums opener, Manacle deliver an immediate “foot on the monitor” experience. ‘Fight For Your Life’ is a blend of power metal and traditional heavy metal, with a slight leaning towards the European style of bands such as (Michael Kiske era) Helloween and Gamma Ray. As album openers go, this one is very impressive, with a sparkling guitar solo as the song races to its conclusion. Pace is increased as ‘Tears Of Wrath’ lurches forward, with a guitar sound not too dissimilar to iconic American thrashers Megadeth. Much heavier than the opening song, ‘Tears Of Wrath’ is a thunderous and aggressive foot stomp.

After just two songs, Manacle have set their stall out as a traditional heavy metal band, delivering infectious and galloping metal that is a pleasure to head bang to. And head bang you will to the epic six minutes plus ‘Journey’s End’. Bustling into life and raging on like a wild storm, ‘Journey’s End’ sounds like a thrash metal version of late eighties Helloween, with a similar vocal style to former Helloween singer Michael Kiske, unmistakable. Manacle cross genre borders, with ‘Journey’s End’ stepping into the epic and anthemic genres during its six minute journey. ‘Live Fast, Die Fast’ may have the expectation of a fast and furious romp, when in actual fact it is the most melodic metal song on the album. An anthemic chant style chorus will have a live audience all singing in unison, with fists raised high, punching the air in delirious delight.

With the album entering its final third, the energy and intensity levels are raised to a new high. A galloping rhythm pushes ‘Witches Hallow’ along at pace, mixing thunderous with melodic to produce an infectious and pleasing listening experience. Manacle are delivering a blisteringly heavy and head bangingly addictive experience for their first full length offering, and I for one cannot wait to hear what they have to offer next. But until then, ‘Stand Tall’ brings the album to a close in a furious flurry of thrash metal riffs and rhythms. By far and away the heaviest song on offer, ‘Stand Tall’ is a thundering end to a thunderous album. Manacle have definitely impressed with their debut effort.

Overall, fast and furious, Manacle deliver their debut album at pace, with six infectious and head bangingly addictive songs.


Fight For Your Life
Tears Of Wrath
Journey’s End
Live Fast, Die Fast
Witches Hallow
Stand Tall

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