MANIAC ABDUCTOR Album Review: “Casualties Of Causality”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Maniac Abductor are a thrash metal band from Finland formed in 2013, with their debut release, the E.P. ‘Thrash Assault’ emerging in 2015. The bands debut full length offering, ‘Casualties Of Causality’ was released in 2019.

Nine songs, thirty five minutes, scorching pace and a brutally aggressive, in you face attitude – are you ready to thrash? Yes? Good! Then let’s go… Finnish thrash metallers Maniac Abductor blast their way into sight with the ferocious full throttle assault ‘Fooled Again’. Thundering along at high velocity, ‘Fooled Again’ launches the bands debut album at full tilt, a tilt which simply refuses to slow down as the album powers on with the heavy hitting ‘Watery Tomb’. Taking its sound from mid eighties Metallica, ‘Watery Tomb’ is a menacing foot stomp of epic proportions, pummelling the senses hard into submission as it races fast to its conclusion. Blistering pace lights up the album with the fiery ‘First World Disease’, a gloriously savage rampage of brutality. Imagine if you will (the younger incarnations of) Metallica and Sepultura having a steamy one night affair, resulting in a love child that they named “Maniac Abductor”, and there, in a nutshell, you have the bands sound.

An incredible seven of the nine songs on offer clock in at less than four minutes in length… A breathless and explosive thrash metal roller coaster, steps up the intensity with the very heavy, very frightening ‘Evil Brotherhood’. While some listeners may cower in fear, others dive for cover behind the sofa, most will stand tall and scream “bring it on”. And bring it on Maniac Abductor do, ‘Evil Brotherhood’ hitting the accelerator after halfway, hurtling to a conclusion in a savage barrage of brutal riffs. Brutal riffs that do not give way as ‘Destroyer Of Worlds’ steams in, crushing everything that stands in its way. Devastation and desolation is all that is gonna be left in its wake as ‘Destroyer Of Worlds, (literally) destroys everything in its path.

Lifting the pace, power and intensity, ‘No Hope For You’ opens with the fastest riffage the album has on offer. Mean, moody and menacing, ‘No Hope For You’ adopts a mid tempo foot stomp as it stamps its authority over the land it marches across. ‘Hatebound’ picks up speed, hurtling along at break neck speed. Heads will be banging hard to this one, stretching neck muscles to the point of tearing. A violent and vigorous thrash metal assault, ‘Hatebound’ is full of anger, angst and attitude. In the formidable shape of ‘Thrash Assault’, Maniac Abductor have created an anthem to be screamed and screeched by fans all around the world. ‘Thrash Assault’ is fast and furious and a cracking end to a cracking album… Well almost, as there is one more song on offer. Maniac Abductor cover a classic Sepultura song, ‘Troops Of Doom’, from the bands 1986 debut album ‘Morbid Visions’. While the original clocks in at three and a half minutes in length, this version by Maniac Abductor is all done and dusted in just two and a half!

Overall, a savage onslaught of brutal thrash metal, delivered at a blistering pace that will violently bang heads.


Fooled Again
Watery Tomb
First World Disease
Evil Brotherhood
Destroyer Of Worlds
No Hope For You
Thrash Assault
Troops Of Doom (Sepultura cover)

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