MANIMAL Single Review: “Armageddon”

Single Review by Iron Mathew


Manimal are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2001, releasing a couple of demos before their debut album ‘The Darkest Room’ emerged in 2009. The bands sophomore album ‘Trapped In The Shadows’ was released in 2015, with their third album, ‘Purgatorio’, emerging in 2018. The bands fourth album ‘Armageddon’ is due for release in the autumn, with the first single ‘Forged In Metal’ released earlier this year, quickly followed by ‘The Inevitable End’…

…and now, the band unleash a third single, the title song, from their new album.

‘Armageddon’ (the single) is a heavy hitting slab of heavy metal come power metal – think a blend of bands such as Rage and Judas Priest, and you’ll get some idea of what the new single, and Manimal, sound like. The “foot on the monitor” gallop of traditional heavy metal is in full flight, as well as one helluva sing a long able chorus.

The bands new album is due for release on October 8th, offering ten songs, and is available in various formats. Remember the date, for this is one album you will not want to miss this year.

Overall, another storming release from Swedish heavy metallers Manimal, whetting worldwide appetites for their new album.



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