MANIMAL Single Review: “Forged In Metal”

“Forged In Metal”
Single Review by Iron Mathew


Manimal are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2001, releasing a couple of demos before their debut album ‘The Darkest Room’ emerged in 2009. The bands sophomore album ‘Trapped In The Shadows’ was released in 2015, with their third album, ‘Purgatorio’ preceded by the single ‘Black Plague’, emerging in 2018. The bands fourth album is slated for an autumn 2021 release, and as a teaser, a new single has been released…

…’Forged In Metal’.

And what an impact the new single makes! ‘Forged In Metal’ sees, or should that be hears, the band move into heavy/power metal territory. The Swedish metallers are firing on all cylinders, blasting out infectious hooks and riffs with mighty aplomb.

‘Forged In Metal’ is less than four minutes in length, but will remain in the memory for years to come, with the phenomenal power oozing out of ‘Forged In Metal’ an awesome feeling.

Overall, a fabulous release from Swedish metallers Manimal, whetting appetites for their new album due later this year – keep an eye out for it, and go get it!


Forged In Metal

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