MEGA COLOSSUS Album Review: “Riptime”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Mega Colossus are a heavy metal band from the USA forming in 2005 as Colossus and releasing their debut album ‘…And The Rift Of The Pan-Dimensional Undergods’ in 2008. Two E.P.’s followed – ‘Drunk On Blood’ (2009) and ‘…And The Sepulcher Of The Mirror Warlocks’ (2012) – before the band changed their name to the harder hitting, bigger impacting Mega Colossus. The newly named band released its debut album ‘Hyperglaive’ in 2016. A third E.P. ‘V’ emerged in 2019, with the band releasing their third album ‘Riptime’ in 2021.

Featuring just seven songs over a fast and furious forty minutes, Mega Colossus have hardened their sound with this release. The bands root sound is still heavy metal, although there are now aggressive, thrash metal traits sprayed throughout the entire album. Take album opener ‘Razor City’ as a prime example – rocketing into life at break neck speed, it takes no prisoners! The pace is phenomenal, moving heads back and forth at blinding speed. As album openers go, ‘Razor City’ is one of the most electrifying I have heard for some time. What an opening shot! And without pausing for breath, Mega Colossus keep the hammer down for the traditional metaller ‘Midnight Zone’. The intensity of the opening thrash inspired ‘Razor City’ does drop a little for ‘Midnight Zone’ – dropping more into the bands “comfort zone”. But what a comfort zone it is – highly infectious with a tremendous foot on the monitor feel.

‘Vigilo Confido’ (always vigilant), maintains the previous songs traditional metal feel, galloping on with pace and purpose, and that all important sing a long style chorus break. Wow the intensity has been unrelenting, with zero chance to catch a breath! ‘Tinker Tanner’ may change down a gear, but the metal furore remains fully intact. The more mid tempo march does provide a little breather to the albums overall scorching tirade, but you know with a band like Mega Colossus there ain’t gonna be many breathers. So make the most of this one, for the future looks fast – fast and furious! With its crescendo building intro, ‘Run To The Fight’ soon breaks into a searing all hells broken loose, kinda rampage. The electrifying pace of the albums opener has made an emphatic return, along with a level of aggression not heard before. And at seven minutes in length ‘Run To The Fight’ chimes in as the second longest song on the album.

And by stark contrast, at under four minutes in length, ‘Boiling Seas’ is the shortest song on offer, and is a blistering tsunami of thrash inspired fury. The head bang ability of ‘Boiling Seas’ is off the fucking scale, with mosh pits a blurred frenzy of heads violently rocking back and forth. And the final song arrives, all eight and a half minutes of it! ‘Iron Rain’ is as unrelenting as everything else on the album – romping along at a fast and furious pace. Yet Mega Colossus still manage to inject a melodic streak that makes ‘Iron Rain’ infectious and highly addictive – which to be fairly honest are must haves when you consider how long the song is!

Overall, a barrage of blistering heavy metal and thrash nuances, ‘Riptime’ is a fast, furious, and aggressive forty minutes.


Razor City
Midnight Zone
Vigilo Confido
Tinker Tanner
Run To The Fight
Boiling Seas
Iron Rain

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities