MEGA COLOSSUS Album Review: “Showdown”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Mega Colossus are a heavy metal band from the USA forming in 2004 as Colossus, releasing their debut album ‘…And The Rift Of The Pan-Dimensional Undergods’ in 2008. Two E.P.’s followed – ‘Drunk On Blood’ (2009) and ‘…And The Sepulcher Of The Mirror Warlocks’ (2012) – before the band changed their name to Mega Colossus in 2016. The newly named band released its debut album ‘Hyperglaive’ in 2016, a third E.P. ‘V’ in 2019, third album ‘Riptime’ in 2021, and fourth album ‘Showdown’ in 2024…

…featuring six songs over a red hot scorching thirty eight minutes! The band are on top form here, speeding through all the songs on offer with a magnificent melodious intent – the sheer elegance oozing from ‘Showdown’ is incredible! This is the third time I’ve reviewed the band, and each time has been better than the last – the band quickly into their stride with album opener ‘Fortune And Glory’, setting a familiar yet also glorious traditional metal pace! Mega Colossus plant their feet firmly on the monitor to adopt the classic pose of heavy metal, the majestic march full of purpose and intent, the band powering on at full tilt, breaking speed limits and creating smiles a mile wide on the faces of every listener everywhere. With their tails up and the wind in their sails, the American five piece hailing from North Carolina keep the hammer down, storming on with the faster paced ‘Outrun Infinity’ – the infectious level rising right off the charts! Not to mention the head bang ability – every metalhead in the world revelling in the head banging heaven that is ‘Showdown’, the latest release from metallers Mega Colossus.

The opening double has been breath taking, thirteen minutes of the finest heavy metal you could ever wish for! And yes readers – thirteen minutes! For the albums first two songs clock in at over six minutes apiece, ‘Grab The Sun’ stretching even further to break the seven minute mark! There’s only six songs on offer here, but what an impact each and every one makes, the elegance off the fucking charts – the speed of the album doubling with ‘Grab The Sun’. My head hasn’t stopped rocking back and forth since the album began, making it fairly difficult to type – spell cheek having a fecking graate bigg larf rite now! And that was intentional readers, for I am a professional writer and would never normally let that slide – I’m just having a bit of fun. Much like Mega Colossus, although I think they’re having lots of fun, cause I reckon the band are smiling just as wide as me and you – an amazing aura oozing from ‘Showdown’ as the album storms on with the title song ‘Showdown’. Clocking in at under five minutes in length, ‘Showdown’ (the song) is the shortest song on offer, yet is the most old school sounding with the guitar tone echoing perfectly the iconic NWOBHM evolution! Metal traditionalists are gonna love this one no matter their age – old and young fans alike banging their heads hard and raising clenched fists high in the air.

The momentum gained from minute one song one, has just gotten stronger and stronger the longer the album runs, ‘Warden Of The Wicked Road’ moving into the realm of melodic metal, pounding the ground hard with just the slightest hint of hard rock – Mega Colossus dipping their toes across the border wall into rock territory. Yet the band lose nothing of the incredible impetus of ‘Showdown’ (the album) up to this point, Mega Colossus driving forth with phenomenal power and pace, delivering one of the most uplifting and energetic albums I’ve heard for some time! And all too soon the final song is here – but remember readers, the replay button was invented for albums just like this. I know I’ll be pressing it for quite a while to come – but just before then, the final song ‘Take To The Skies’, maintains the terrific head bang ability ‘Showdown’ (the album) has displayed since the very beginning. ‘Take To The Skies’ is a wonderful finale to a wonderful album – Mega Colossus delivering a belter of an album.

Overall, a full on, fast paced and relentless gallop of highly head bang-able, and immensely infectious heavy metal.


Fortune And Glory
Outrun Infinity
Grab The Sun
Warden Of The Wicked Road
Take To The Skies

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities