MEGATON SWORD Album Review: “Blood Hails Steel – Steel Hails Fire”

“Blood Hails Steel – Steel Hails Fire”
Album Review by Piers Renfree


Hello boys and girls, how are we all doing this fine December morning? Yes, it’s almost Christmas and what to ask Santa for, I hear you ask; and once again, you have come to the right place to find out. We at Metal GodsTV love to let you know what the best in Rock & Metal have to offer and weed out the chuff so that you don’t have to.

Today  we have the debut album from the Swiss four piece Megaton Sword (which comprises of Uzzy Unchained – vocals, Simon The Sorcerer – bass, Chris The Axe – guitars and the best named member of the group Dan Thundersteel – drums), “Blood Hails Steel – Steel Hails Fire”.

This album is the second release from Megaton Sword following on from last year’s debut release, the “Niralet” E.P. which had references to 80’s Manowar, early Running Wild, Warlord and Nasty Savage. The eight songs on this album were written by Simon Thaller and the band, with lyrics by Urs Gut. The album was produced, recorded and mixed by Yvo Petrziler and runs for just under forty two minutes.

So, I know that you’re dying to know what the album is like, so without further ado, I shall tell you.

This is great trad/power metal with a modern bite to the production, giving Megaton Sword their own sound. Uzzy Unchained’s vocals are clean and Dan Thundersteel powers the songs on with his drums. Chris The Axe’s riffs and solos are pure gold, while Simon The Sorcerer’s bass lines are a teeth rattling rumble. Yvo Petrziler has given the record a fantastic production and mix, everything comes through clearly. The songs have time changes a plenty in them and the band have got some great catchy choruses, which should get crowds participating in, if they can resist moshing and head banging long enough to do so.

This is a sterling effort and the band have set the bar high for their future endeavours. If Megaton Sword don’t get added to any festivals, then the bookers really don’t know what they are doing, these guys should go down a storm, if this album is anything to go by.

So you should definitely be asking your family, friends or Saint Nick for “Blood Hails Steel – Steel Hails Fire” this Christmas.


Blood Hails Steel – Steel Hails Fire
In The Black Of Night
General Bloodlust
Crimson River
Songs Of Victory
The Giver’s Embrace

This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.