METALITE Album Review: “A Virtual World”

“A Virtual World”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Metalite are a melodic power metal band from Sweden formed in 2015, releasing their debut album ‘Heroes In Time’, in 2017. The bands sophomore album ‘Biomechanicals’, released in 2019, featured new singer Erica Ohlsson, and was a phenomenally energetic gallop of power metal. The bands third album ‘A Virtual World’, was released in 2021…

…and features a heavier, more speedy style of power metal, yet loses nothing of the infectious nature of the bands previous albums. If anything, ‘A Virtual World’ is much more infectious, blending power metal pomp with disco pop – a unique sound that arguably, Metalite pioneered. This blend is much better than the ‘Biomechanicals’ blend, with energy and oomph extensively increased. So, without rambling any further, let’s plug in, and enter Metalite’s virtual world…

…via the spoken word intro “welcome, all systems activated”, signalling the start of the albums title song ‘A Virtual World’ – a fast paced frenzy of blistering guitars and keyboards. The pace over the chorus break is the stuff of head banging heaven and the sing a long ability of said chorus is superb. A red hot opener that is gonna turn heads the world over, ‘A Virtual World’ (the song) is a superb opening salvo. ‘Cloud Connected’ is a much heavier, yet just as melodic, offering, pulsating with an infectious rhythm that’ll plant smiles a mile wide on the faces of the bands adoring fans – as well as many new ones. Ohlsson’s powerful voice is on fine form, effortlessly soaring across the airways. The heaviness continues apace with the thundering ‘Talisman’ battering the senses with total aplomb. Catchy and infectious is what I’ve come to expect from these Swedeish metallers, and I’m excited to say, the new album does not disappoint – with all the tingling sensations of an eargasm starting to come!

And there it is – the ultimate pleasure has arrived, with the sensual touch of the superbly melodic ‘Beyond The Horizon’. Breezing past like a teenage fantasy. ‘Beyond The Horizon’ is big, bold, and beefy – a bombastic bashing of sensational slaps that make S&M look soft! I can’t praise ‘Beyond The Horizon’ enough – only four songs in and I’ve already reached the peak of human pleasure! At this rate, I feel like I’m gonna experience multiple eargasms before the end of this album… Pace quickens for the lightning quick ‘Peacekeepers’ – a barn storming fury of some of the best power metal you’re ever likely to hear. The sing a long style chorus is gonna be sung, no yelled, by in concert crowds the world over. This is superb stuff from a band that only formed six years ago, and with only three albums to their name. ‘A Virtual World’ (the album) is by far and away the best of the three so far. Pace is suddenly dropped for the mid tempo ‘The Vampire Song’, trying its best to breach power ballad territory, but failing – it’s just too damn heavy. ‘The Vampire Song’ features a phenomenal vocal performance by Ohlsson, err Erica. I could listen to her voice all day and all night and never get bored – her voice is probably why the word “intoxicating” was invented.

‘We’re Like The Fire’ is a perfectly apt title for the bands third album – flaming red hot – with ‘We’re Like The Fire’ roaring along at a cracking pace. The speedy nature of many songs on offer here is simply stunning, taking the listeners breath away multiple times. Over half way through the album now, and I am still on a high from earlier – with no sign of coming down. Especially with the foot stomping ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to engage in foreplay with. The majestic nature of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is supremely loud and proud, standing head and shoulders above many of the other songs on offer. Metalite have emphatically laid down their challenge for Album Of The Year – a challenge so strong they may just win it!

And as the album powers on, there is no sign of its stunning beauty waning – ‘Alone’ returning the mid paced, mid tempo, melodic march of earlier, also known as hymn-like. ‘Alone’ is the nearest Metalite get to a power ballad, but what stands out here, are the soaring, faultless vocals by Erica, breaching the symphonic metal style. A totally awesome performance. And what was that? Was that Erica panting at the start of ‘Running’!!! Cor blimey… ‘Running’ is a fast faced fury that’ll slam you into next week. Yet somehow, ‘Running’ loses nothing of the highly infectious and melodic nature that Metalite sew into every song they write. Marvellous stuff. And as the album comes to a climax with the ground shaking ‘Synchronized’, I reckon I’ve just experienced the longest eargasm in history! ‘Synchronized’ is quite simply an epic conclusion to an epic album. The chorus is the stuff of a theatre musical big finish – you know, when all the performers come back on stage for the final song, with the crowd giving a standing ovation.

Overall, an awesome display of power metal from one of the most exciting bands to have emerged in recent years.


A Virtual World
Cloud Connected
Beyond The Horizon
The Vampire Song
We’re Like The Fire
Artificial Intelligence

This review is the property of Iron Mathew, Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities