METALITE Album Review: “Biomechanicals”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Metalite are a melodic power metal band from Sweden formed in 2015, who released their debut album ‘Heroes In Time’, in 2017, and their second album ‘Biomechanicals’ in 2019.

Two years after their blistering debut album breezed new exhilaration into the melodic power metal scene, Metalite are back. And armed with a new singer, they are set to raise the bar in melodic metal, the new album full of enough of explosive  energy to blow a hole right through the centre of planet Earth… Album opener ‘Far From The Sanctuary’ blends traditional heavy metal with power metal and adds an overdose of the melodic. It is fast paced, energetic and bombastic, and a glorious opening, quickly followed by the more mid tempo ‘Apocalypse’, and its crushing riffs. Marching majestically on, ‘Apocalypse’ is a storming portrayal of anthemic, melodic heavy metal. Title song ‘Biomechanicals’ hits harder than the previous song, deploying a slightly menacing feel as it thumps and thuds its way forward. A melodic and faster paced chorus break, makes ‘Biomechanicals’ an infectious and addictive listen.

After just three songs Metalite have signalled their return to the metal scene in emphatic style, a change of singer always a worry for any band. But just like AC/DC, Black Sabbath and the mighty Iron Maiden, the change of singer has produced an amazing album. An amazing album that just gets better, with the cracking ‘Warrior’. Dazzling with infectious hooks and a galloping rhythm, ‘Warrior’ is a highly energetic neck muscle workout. And that chorus is so sing a long able you’ll be singing along almost involuntarily. So much energy it’s breathless… ‘Mind Of A Monster’ is heavier than anything heard so far, and is a prime example of how infectious melodic power metal should be. The chorus is one of the best sing a longs I have ever heard, the energy levels off the scale, and the smile inducing vibe is phenomenal. A contender for Album Of The Year is a positive yes. The feel good vibe carries on with ‘World On Fire’, and I just wonder where the hell on earth Metalite have got it from! The anthemic sing a long chorus is even better than the previous song, and I defy even the most miserable, sad person not to smile, get up, and raise fists high in the air and salute one of the most pleasing and joyous albums ever. Am beginning to run out of superlatives to describe this album, and I haven’t even begun on the new singer – the gorgeous Erica Ohlsson. What a voice, very strong, highly melodic, and when she lets fly, it soars very high.

The fastest song on the album is ‘Eye Of The Storm’. Galloping ferociously, this is “foot on the monitor” styled heavy metal at its finest. The amount of feel good oozing from every strain of ‘Eye Of The Storm’ is incredible, making for one of the best power metal songs I have heard for some time. Definitely a favourite off the album, but then every single song is a favourite. This album is definitely gonna be filed under “albums to play to induce a happy mood and make you feel better”. Showcasing the more mellow and soulful side of the band, as well as the superb ballad style vocal delivery of Erica, ‘Breakaway’ is an absolute peach of a power ballad. There is so much passion, tension and emotion, all feelings that you’re gonna feel, as ‘Breakaway’ swaggers on. Simply staggering… ‘Social Butterflies’ is mid tempo, very heavy, yet retains that incredible melodic edge that Metalite have in endless abundance. There’s no doubt in my mind that Metalite are on a steep upward trajectory to the top of the melodic power metal genre. Majestic mid tempo’d ‘Rise Of The Phoenix’ is a glorious foot stomp of anthemic heavy metal. It is epic and climactic, a tension filled edge of your seat nail biting and tense listen. Which brings us to the albums final song – ‘Victory Or Death’. And what a song to end an album… Am definitely gonna run out of superlatives while describing this one, so I’ll just use one – superb. The last fifty minutes has been an incredible listening experience, overly pleasurable, and a joy I want to feel over and over again.

Overall, a superb and extremely exciting album of highly energetic power metal, infectious and catchy, and a phenomenally addictive listen.


Far From The Sanctuary
Mind Of A Monster
World On Fire
Eye Of The Storm
Social Butterflies
Rise Of The Phoenix
Victory Or Death

This review is the property of Iron
Mathew, Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this
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