Mystic Prophecy Album Review: “Regressus”

Album Review By Custer Elver


Here We go! After the reissue of the first album Vengeance, Massacre Records splash the market feeding us with another one. Released in April 2017 comes Regressus, the reissue of the original release from 2003 by German band Mystic Prophecy.

I said it during the review of Vengeance, and I’ll repeat it right now: Mystic Prophecy are an incredible combo, able to pump-out astonishing tracks, but for some strange reason they collected less than they deserved. The teutonic combo is made of fine musicians, especially the almighty Gus G and Dimitris Liapakis on vocals, able to blend the classic german sound with a more aggressive US-oriented mood.

With no doubt from my personal point of view, Regressus, is much better than their rookie album, for more than one reason.

First of all, Regressus is characterised by more solid songwriting, which leads our guys to blend together different moods in the same tracklist. The rage of “In Your Sins”, the hysteria of “When Demons Return”, able to alternate a killer riffing to hypnotic arpeggios. The dreamlike memento of the title track “Regressus”, are the main ingredients.

Second, Gus’ performance is one of the best of his entire career. Listen to the guitar solo in “When Demons Return” and you’ll easily understand my point. We can keep going around as long as you want, but Gus is the engine of this machine, and when the engine is running, Mystic Prophecy are unstoppable.

Last point, “Fighting the World”, a cover from Manowar’s repertoire. You need to be brave to try a shot like that and they did an excellent work, honestly. The track is played in a very personal way, keeping the epic mood of the original one. They‘ve not been so good performing the other cover on the album, “Sancturary” (Iron Maiden), I can’t explain to you why, but the track sounds a little bit heartless.

If I had to choose the best track of the work, that would be “When Demons Return” together with “In Your Sins” (You can listen to the song via the link above). I’m not able to detect any weak points in this album, while listening on and on. After one week spent with the full album on my phone, I can assure you that I’m totally addicted to it!

The icing on the cake: Two bonus tracks recorded live during 2004’s Wacken Festival, “Lords Of Pain” and “Eternal Flame”.

The album release has created the chance to see the band live, in Germany for now, but we are confident they’ll bring the storm all over Europe.


Calling From Hell
Eternal Flame
Lords Of Pain
Sign Of The Cross
Night Of The Storm
The Traveller (Instrumental)
In Your Sins
Forgotten Souls
When Demons Return
Lost In Time
Mystic Prophecy
The Land Of The Dead
Fighting The World

Bonus Tracks

Lords Of Pain (Live Wacken 2004)
Eternal Flame (Live Wacken 2004)

This review is the property of Custer Elver and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.