NEW HORIZON Album Review: “Gate Of The Gods”

“Gate Of The Gods”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


New Horizon are a power metal band from Sweden founded in 2021 by vocalist Erik Gronwall and multi-instrumentalist Jona Tee, former band-mates of the hard rock band H.E.A.T. Despite Erik having recently departed H.E.A.T both musicians felt the need to continue working together, with Jona’s new project New Horizon an ideal avenue for Erik’s vocal prowess. The project started to become a band, with a number of guest musicians such as Sam Totman (DragonForce), Love Magnusson (Dynazty), and Niko Vuorela (Temple Balls). And in 2022 ‘Gate Of The Gods’, the bands debut album, was released.

Ten songs and fifty minutes of pure power metal awaits anyone who pushes play on the new album – which is brought to life with the one and a half minute crescendo building intro ‘A New Horizon’, before a swift change of gears and we’re hurtling forth at high speed with ‘We Unite’. Blazing a fiery trail, ‘We Unite’ is classic sounding European power metal from a country with a long legacy of producing great metal bands. I could give you a list but it’ll probably take me to the next millennia to complete! But suffice to say (in terms of European stature) Sweden are probably second only to Germany. Moving into the realms of anthemic metal, ‘Stronger Than Steel’ is a mighty foot stomping, hard hitting monster. And I for one wouldn’t want to be in its path when it comes to town… Hang on a minute – what the fuck am I talking about! I’m a die hard metaller, and I “live for this shit” – so I retract what I just said, for I’ll be at the front of the line when ‘Stronger Than Steel’ comes visiting. Bring it on New Horizon. Bring. It. On.

And bring it on they do, with the blistering pace of ‘Cry For Freedom’, accelerating out of the blocks like a world champion sprinter! The high velocity pace mixed with the bands incredible melodious intent is terrific, ‘Cry For Freedom’ a red hot highlight of the album. Not even at half way and the album is showing signs of being pure gold. The relentless pace and power of the album shows no sign of abating either, especially when you have crackers such as ‘Call Of The Underground’ keeping the momentum rolling – the songs heavy hitting nature having the same impact as head butting a wrecking ball in full swing! Is there no putting a foot wrong in this band? I don’t think so. A new band with a new vision and limitless energy – sounds fucking great to me.

And fuck me – the pace of ‘Stardust’ is electrifying! Chiming in as the fastest song heard so far, ‘Stardust’ is a rocket powered power metal gem of extreme velocity. Yet incredibly – and I’ve said this before – the melodious intent sewn in to every single song on this album is phenomenal. The driving duo behind this band have really pulled out all the stops to deliver what is surely gonna be a strong contender for Album Of The Year. And the gems just keep on coming like multiple orgasms – this time ‘Event Horizon’ hitting the sweet spot! The pace, power, and agility of ‘Event Horizon’ is just fabulous, I can’t praise it enough! This has to go down as one of the most impressive debuts since Iron Maiden, Angel Witch, and Helloween launched their incredible careers over forty years ago! I really can’t stop smiling from ear to ear at what a great album ‘Gate Of The Gods’ is turning out to be.

Taking the album in a more dramatic and epic direction, ‘The End Of All’ is a majestic swagger of anthemic metal to rival the likes of Powerwolf and Sabaton. With no scorching pace, ‘The End Of All’ adopts the mid tempo stride of epicness, delivering a tension filled knife edged atmosphere. It’s been a breathless job keeping pace with this album, and I’m glad (in a sad way) that there’s only two songs left to go – the first of which heralds the return of blistering pace: ‘Fearless’ igniting the touch paper and zooming off at a blinding pace. The head bang ability throughout the album has been top shelf, and with only one song left, ‘Gate Of The Gods’ (the album) will definitely be going on my shortlist for Album Of The Year. A great album comes to a close with the seven and a half minute long title song ‘Gate Of The Gods’ – a staggering and quite frankly spectacular swagger of tension laden atmosphere. The mix of anthemic and hymn-like styles is glorious, the tempo and pace changes majestic – New Horizon delivering a show stopping finale. What an amazing end to a great album. Highly recommended.

Overall, a barnstorming power metal album full of energy, pace, and an extremely high infectious level.


A New Horizon (intro)
We Unite
Stronger Than Steel
Cry For Freedom
Call Of The Underground
Event Horizon
The End Of All
Gate Of The Gods

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities