Next To None Album Review: “Phases”

Album Review By Stephanie Stevens


NEXT TO NONE has gotten even heavier, crazier and more prominent in the music scene with the new album PHASES. These guys have grown up physically since I last laid my ears on them and musically they have jumped leaps and bounds. They are positioned in the progressive metal core genre but they are so much more on this album. The vocals have come alive on this new album; listening to the singing mobility of the track ALONE its dark, its somber but it’s so enticing and creative with the softness into the aggressive all-out battle of good n evil. BEG was my favorite off the album, the changes, the brutality and the beat down you get from the aggressive vocals is penetrating to the ear. The track even has this death metal feel of insanity layered into it, with crazy keys and trinkets of erratic sounds. CLARITY is the closest to what you heard on the band’s last album, A LIGHT IN THE DARK; so, if the chaos within the album is overpowering your senses you can retreat to this song but the intensity of this new phase of the bands path of sound is still consistent on the track, but I did dig the slower n haunting moments of the song. On a whole I think with every new disc NEXT TO NONE is still finding their sound. This album to some may feel a bit congested with moments but I think on a whole it’s a very forthcoming, adventurous and chaotic beauty of songs.


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