NOVENA Album Review: “Eleventh Hour”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Hailing from London in the UK, Novena were formed in 2016 and released their debut E.P. a conceptual record, “Secondary Genesis” in June of that year. The band also made their live debut, to a packed room, opening the main stage of the UK Tech Fest, again in the same year.

Now the six-piece, consisting of Ross Jennings (vocals), Gareth Mason (vocals), Harrison White (guitar & keyboards), Dan Thornton (guitar), Moat Lowe (bass) & Cameron Spence (drums), are releasing their debut LP “Eleventh Hour”, via Frontiers Records.

The ten songs on offer here go on for an hour and thirteen minutes. The first track is just an intro of the sounds of someone walking and opening a door. The second song starts with choral singing, but we quickly get a bit of melodic yet rhythmic playing. The vocals switch from melodic, some reminiscent in style of the late, great Soundgarden and Audioslave vocalist Chris Cornell to guttural growling. The music switches from a nice, melodic 70s prog sound to a heavier, grunge/metal style. 

The third song is a nice rocker, not too heavy, that goes along at a nice, easy pace. The music on the album is a nice mix of very melodic passages, and rocky pieces. It’s very proggy – reminding me of 70s Genesis, but also rocky, in a 90s grunge style and also a Metal way. This gives varying elements of light and shade in the album which works really well. 

The musicians are no slouches, going from gentle picking, to heavy riffing and everything in-between. Time and tempo changes are a big part of their music. This is very interesting but it’s something that you really need to be in the mood for. Not a bad offering for a debut LP. 


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