OLD MOTHER HELL Album Review: “Lord Of Demise”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Old Mother Hell are a heavy metal band from Germany formed in 2015, releasing their self titled debut album in 2017. The bands sophomore album ‘Lord Of Demise’ was released in 2020.

Featuring a very heavy and anthemic feel, German metallers Old Mother Hell deliver eight songs and thirty eight minutes of unabashed heavy metal. ‘Lord Of Demise’ is an epic, tension filled journey, with plenty o’ beefy riffs and thunderous rhythms. ‘Betrayal At Sea’ gets the album underway in galloping style, featuring an all out, balls out, traditional metal feel. Fast paced and head bangingly addictive, ‘Betrayal At Sea’ is an energetic opener. And fuck me by crikey, as ‘Avenging Angel’ begins and progresses, I thought I was listening to ‘Lord Of Steel’ era Manowar! I had to check I had the right CD playing… And double check the Manowar back catalogue to ensure ‘Avenging Angel’ isn’t a cover. And it’s not. Old Mother Hell portray the anthemic and bombastic kings of steel Manowar’s sound to perfection on ‘Avenging Angel’. Kudos Old Mother Hell, kudos. The title song ‘Lord Of Demise’ slows the albums pace, bringing a little doom style heaviness to the surface, along with a little menace and just a tad of the scary. A much darker feel than the albums opening double salvo, ‘Lord Of Demise’ (the song) easily cites seventies Black Sabbath as an influence.

Germany is famed for pioneering the power metal genre, evolving the brutal thrash metal style, as well as echoing the traditional heavy metal sound from the UK. Old Mother Hell show no allegiance to any of these three styles, preferring to create their own take on the heavy metal sound. As an example, ‘Estranged’ continues the heavy doom laden sound, but also incorporates the infectious buzz style riffing from the NWOBHM, and keeping the vocals aligned with the power metal style. A new take on a well worn style is refreshing. A pulverising riff launches ‘Edge Of Time’ forth, the pace akin to the formative years of the iconic traditional style of heavy metal. And yes, I am talking about the early eighties, a time that I was fortunate to experience – growing up with the likes of Sabbath, Priest, Motorhead, Maiden, and Saxon. All legendary bands for creating the heavy metal sound that we all love today…

…and today, it is Old Mother Hell galloping forth with “foot on the monitor” attitude. ‘Shadows Within’ portraying the old school sound to perfection – yet with their unique and x factor-ish input. There’s just something about the Old Mother Hell sound that I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s so intriguing I reckon even Mulder and Scully would be stumped. And oh, the glorious doom heavy Sabbath sound rises high to the surface once more, as ‘Another Fallen Saviour’ rumbles on by, decimating anything that stands in its way. If you’re looking for an album of old school traditional heavy metal with a new touch to make it different, yet the same – you won’t go far wrong with ‘Lord Of Demise’. Which comes to an end with a steam rollering… ‘Finally Free’ is mid tempo traditional fair – sprinkled with the Old Mother Hell special ingredient.

Overall, an intriguing and interesting journey of traditional heavy metal, fuelled by doom heavy riffage and power metal infectiousness.


Betrayal At Sea
Avenging Angel
Lord Of Demise
Edge Of Time
Shadows Within
Another Fallen Saviour
Finally Free


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.