REVOLTONS Album Review: “Celestial Violence”

“Celestial Violence”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Revoltons are a power metal band from Vajont, Italy, formed in 1991, releasing six albums to date – ‘Night Visions’ (2003), ‘Lost Remembrance’ (2007), ‘Underwater Bells’ (2009), ‘386 High Street North: Come Back To Eternity’ (2012), ‘Underwater Bells Pt.2: October 9th 1963 – Act 1’ (2020) and ‘Celestial Violence’ released in 2023.

Three years after the bands grandiose story telling fifth album, Italian metallers Revoltons are back! And delivering a staggering mix of power, and traditional heavy metal – ten heavy hitting anthems across fifty infectious minutes! Thematically, ‘Celestial Violence’ centres around the devastating events of 2020 and humanity’s struggles over the course of the ensuing couple of years! From lockdowns to ruined relationships, deaths of loved ones and surreal situations, the band do a fantastic job of putting to music themes and issues we have all experienced over the last three years. The one and a half minute intro ‘2020 Alternative’, is a spine tingling and chilling atmospheric lead into album opener proper ‘Escape Or Drown’ – a hustling, bustling, full on and in your face traditional heavy metal gallop. The pace, power and purpose is intense, ‘Escape Or Drown’ planting one foot firmly on the monitor, adopting the classic heavy metal stance. Moving in a more melodic direction, ‘Generation Mask’ is a head bangingly addictive gallop of old school heavy metal, harking back to the glory era for metal evolution – the glorious eighties! Revoltons are back and with a bombastic bang – the opening double shot hitting hard and kicking harder.

The band descend to a lower tone for ‘The Darkfall’, a menacing and sinister feel rising high into the air – and a harhser vocal performance too! Just to add to the already frightening atmosphere! And at over six minutes in length, ‘The Darkfall’ is also the longest song on offer. ‘Nany John Skennon’ opens in mellow mood, building to a crescendo, launching proper with a progressive metal feel, all the while keeping close to the balladry and anthemic styles of metal. A departure from all the oomph and energy of earlier, the band I think, opting for a sentimental feel here rather than anger and angst. Heralding the return of pulsating heavy metal, ‘Low Ranking Businessman’ has a thunderous opening intro, roaring into life with electrifying pace, banging heads harder than ever before. The band continue to blend progressive leanings into their root power come traditional heavy metal sound, creating an avalanche of infectious metal that every metalhead everywhere can thoroughly enjoy.

‘The Game’ is a two minute atmospheric stroll of serenity and soulful vocals, a crescendo building swagger of mellowness leading into the progressive stomper ‘Reality Is A Crime’ – and a level of mild aggression that’ll have you thinking twice about pissing the band off! The hustle and bustle nature of ‘Reality Is A Crime’ is surprisingly melodious, Revoltons maintaining their penchant for delivering eye and ear opening bouts of majestic metal! Returning to the classic sound of traditional heavy metal, ‘Spiritual Monster’ brings to the fore the iconic NWOBHM guitar buzz – the band really heavying things up here, pounding the ground harder than ever! Head bang-able to the max, ‘Spiritual Monster’ will have metalheads drooling, and raising clenched fists high in the air to salute a bombastic barrage of all out heavy metal.

And the bombastic barrage is far from over – ‘Cosmic Disabled’ picking up the baton and battering a worldwide audience with authority and majesty! Revoltons are hitting much heavier now than earlier, ‘Celestial Violence’ roaring louder than ever too – and it ain’t finished just yet! Hell no – there’s still more to come. ‘Lockdown Diaries’ opening with an acoustic flavour, building to balladry, unfolding into an epic story telling vibe. You know the scene, a late evening gathering round a camp fire, drinking beer, and telling stories ’til the morning sunrise! Albeit around this camp fire we’re all wearing face coverings and adhering to the two metre social distancing rules! And bringing the album to a close, the one minute instrumental ‘Violentia Patris Caelestis?’ is a gorgeous outro that rounds off ‘Celestial Violence’ perfectly.

Overall, a bustling album of power tinged traditional heavy metal with poignant lyrical themes and a majestic metal feel.


2020 Alternative
Escape or Drown
Generation Mask
The Darkfall
Nany John Skennon
Low Ranking Businessman
The Game
Reality is a Crime
Spiritual Monster
Cosmic Disabled
Lockdown Diaries
Violentia Patris Caelestis?

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities