SAFFIRE E.P. Review: “Starhunter”

E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Saffire are a hard rock band from Sweden formed in 2005, to date releasing four albums – ‘From Ashes To Fire’ (2013), ‘For The Greater Good’ (2015), ‘Where The Monsters Dwell’ (2018), and ‘Taming The Hurricane’ (2022). ‘Starhunter’ is a digital E.P. emerging in 2023…

…featuring three brand new songs, showcasing the bands hard rocking groove and immensely attractive flair! The Swedish outfit have been around for two decades now, with each and every album a barnstorming barrage of melodious hard rock, the new E.P. featuring a mighty swagger right from the off – the title song ‘Starhunter’ gently floating in across its first eighteen seconds. And then wham bam thank you Saffire – and BOOM! Hitting harder than a pro baseball player hitting a home run, ‘Starhunter’ is a head nodding, foot stamping slab of bombastic hard rock!

What an opener – and what a high infectious level the E.P. oozes! An infectious level that goes right through the fucking roof courtesy of ‘Law And Disorder’, the band knocking every listener straight into next week! Blending traits of AOR into their hard rocking roots, Saffire have just opened up their music to an even wider audience than ever before, ‘Law And Disorder’ hopping border walls to visit a wide array of rock genres.

And let’s be honest, it’s a crying shame there’s only three songs on offer – ’cause the first two songs have been terrific. And I want more – much more! And more I get, but only one more, the best one out of the three – ‘Dynamite’ rocking the airways harder than a severe bout of turbulence! Saffire rock hard, very hard, almost metallic at times, ‘Dynamite’ standing proudly in the gap between the genres of hard rock and heavy metal.

Overall, a hard hitting and punchy three song assault of infectious and catchy hard rock, Saffire are literally, on fire.


Law And Disorder

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