SANDSTORM Album Review: “Time To Strike”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Well boys and girls, here we are again, still in the Lockdown Hotel. It’s the 258th of Novemburary (or is it Maypril – we don’t quite know anymore). Actually it’s not that bad, it’s a Tuesday, or maybe a Thursday, or it could even be Thisday or Thatday! Anyway, in Room 24 we have Sandstorm, waiting to have their new release heard.

Sandstorm were formed in Gothenburg in 2017 by Swedish brothers Stevie “Broke” Whiteless (guitar & vocals), Reptile Anderson (bass & vocals). The band soon recruited P. J. “The Butcher” La Griffe (drums) from Vancouver in Canada.

Released on Dying Victims Productions, this album is the band’s debut release. The six tracks here run for a total of 34:28. The production is raw, giving the songs a punky, live feel. The vocals are clean and feature some high pitched harmonics. The music on offer is melodic, yet rocky, full of time and tempo changes. I can just see appreciative rockers in a bar, nodding along to the band.

This could be the type of thing that a very young Judas Priest could have been writing, or been influenced by, for their first 2-3 albums in the early mid 1970’s (yes girls and boys, the mighty Priest have been churning out records since before I was born).

This is a fun little record and I hope that we get another album from these guys soon.


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Whips And Chains
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This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.