SCREAMACHINE Album Review: “ScreaMachine”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


ScreaMachine are a heavy metal band from Italy formed in 2017, releasing their self titled debut album in 2021.

Inspired by such iconic heavy metal bands as Judas Priest, Metallica, Savatage, and Accept, Italian newcomers ScreaMachine project an intense eighties metal feel. Even though the band is new, all the musicians have been around for many years in other bands – bands such as Stormlord, Kaledon, and Lunarsea. The five piece outfit are ready to take on the world with their debut album – a barrage of heaviness that will test even the strongest of metal heads! And the first test, the opening riff to album opener ‘Demondome’ is a perfect example of the iconic sound of the NWOBHM evolution – ScreaMachine replicating the guitar tone to a tee, making not just hairs stand up with excitement…

…what an opening shot! ‘Demondome’ rides the traditional heavy metal wave with aplomb, chugging forth with both feet firmly planted on the monitor. It is incredibly amazing how many metal and rock bands are still influenced by a sound created over forty years ago, with homage paid to many of its pioneers. I for one will never tire of the classic sound of traditional heavy metal. Beefing things up and adding more intensity, ‘The Metal Monster’ is heavier than the first song, yet also introduces a much more infectious and melodic chorus. To say ‘The Metal Monster’ is a metal monster would be way too cheesy, even for me! But there, I said it… ‘The Human God’ adds a menacing snarl to the album, the kind of snarl that Rob Halford and company are famous for. In fact, ‘The Human God’ is so ‘Priest like, it could fit on any of their eighties albums!

The highly energetic anthemic style of metal takes front and centre with the heavy stomping ‘Darksteel’. A heavyweight of a song, ‘Darksteel’ is heavier than anthemic legends Manowar, Sabaton, and Powerwolf. The varying styles ScreaMachine have shown over the albums first third are incredible, recognising heavy metal’s formative years, and acknowledging the many bands that made metal! And the old school flavour remains as rich as ever, ‘Mistress Of Disaster’ a catchy and addictive, hard rocking swagger. If you’re looking for a weighty slab of traditional sounding metal, then you’re gonna be over the moon with ScreaMachine’s self titled debut in your hands. ’52hz’ – the frequency of low sound like a tuba, but also the frequency at which the 52-hertz whale communicates at – is a thunder-like romp of heaviness. Almost regal sounding as it thunders forward, ’52hz’ is a majestic melodic march. Featuring two special guests – bassist Steve Di Giorgio (Testament, Death, Iced Earth) and singer Herbie Langhans (Firewind, Avantasia, Sonic Haven) – ‘Wisdom Of The Ages’ lands perfectly in the anthemic metal genre, adopting a hymn-like attitude as it strolls forth. High on atmosphere and tension, ‘Wisdom Of The Ages’ lowers the intensity level so you can catch a breath…

…just in time for the awesome sound of traditional metal to come bursting outta the speakers to take your breath away – ‘Silver Fever’ is a phenomenal, razor sharp slice of eighties metal. With a change of pace from a trot to a gallop, traditional metal has never sounded so good. Italy, a country known more for its opera music, is now being placed on the musical map for heavy metal, courtesy of newcomers ScreaMachine. With intensity levels restored, the high octane heavy metal continues apace with the pulsating ‘Dancing With Shadows’. Another highly melodic offering, ‘Dancing With Shadows’ is a perfect foot on the monitor gallop, with many recognisable riff styles from a wide variety of pioneering metal bands…see how many you can name! And now for the albums curtain closer, the show stopping spectacular ‘Scream Machine’. Mixing pace with power, and that oh so exciting NWOBHM guitar tone, ‘Scream Machine’ is a connoisseur’s dream ending. And similar to one of the greatest pioneers of heavy metal ever, ScreaMachine end their self titled debut album with a self titled song.

Overall, a superb debut album, infectious and addictive, and a must have addition to any traditional heavy metal fan’s collection.


The Metal Monster
The Human God
Mistress Of Disaster
Wisdom Of The Ages
Silver Fever
Dancing With Shadows
Scream Machine

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