SCREAMACHINE E.P. Review: “Borderline”

E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


ScreaMachine are a heavy metal band from Italy formed in 2017, releasing their debut album ‘ScreaMachine’ in 2021. Currently working on their second album, the band have released a new E.P. ‘Borderline’…

…featuring four songs – a mix of new, old and reworked, along with a special guest vocalist!

Blazing out the gate, ScreaMachine launch the E.P. with ‘Borderline’ – a ground shuddering rampage of all out heavy metal. Explosive and fast paced, ‘Borderline’ (the song) hopefully previews the direction of the bands second album. Taken from their debut album ‘The Metal Monster’ is stripped of all its beefiness to become an acoustic version, featuring Temperance vocalist Michele Guaitoli. ‘The Metal Monster’ is no longer an intense head banger, now oozing passion and emotion in abundance.

The old school flavoured ‘Mistress Of Disaster 2022’ (the original first heard on the bands debut) has been re-recorded with the bands new guitarist. Just as heavy and hard rocking as the original version, ‘Mistress Of Disaster 2022’ is highly melodic and overly head bang-able. The fourth and final song on offer, is a cracking cover of the Judas Priest song ‘Rebel Lover’ – taken from the legends 1990 genre-refining album ‘Painkiller’. ScreaMachine keep to the pace of the original, upping both the oomph and intensity. Definitely the highlight of the E.P. for me.

Overall, a four song stroll showing different sides to ScreaMachine, ‘Borderline’ E.P. is an eye opening ear widener.


The Metal Monster (acoustic version feat. Michele Guaitoli)
Mistress Of Disaster 2022
Leather Rebel (pandemic live studio session 2021)

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities