Silver Wind Album Review: “Legion Of The Exiled”

Album Review By Iron Mathew


Silver Wind are a heavy power metal band from France formed in 2005 releasing the ‘Fight For Glory’ E.P. in 2013. The bands first full length album, ‘Legion Of The Exiled’ was released in 2017.

An effects laden spoken, word intro sets an atmospheric scene, as ‘Intro’ builds towards the opening song, the French five piece launching the album with the title song ‘Legion Of The Exiled’, a big riffing and punchy slab of European power metal. Head bangingly addictive, ‘Legion Of The Exiled’ is full of energy and intensity as it romps along at a mid to high tempo. Pace is quickened with the blistering ‘Miracle Steel’, rocketing along at a very high velocity. Silver Wind, after just two songs, are delivering an exciting slab of gloriously epic power metal. Maintaining the energetic and epic nature, ‘Fight For Glory’ is a hard hitting foot stomp. Mighty buzz guitar sounding riffs push ‘Fight For Glory’ along at a mid tempo pace, with a catchy sing a long style chorus. Add an awesome guitar solo and ‘Fight For Glory’ is a deserving recipient of the metal anthem tag.

‘Steel Against Steel’ sounds more traditional heavy metal than European power metal, with a distinct Judas Priest feel about it. The legendary British five piece deliver galloping anthems with blistering guitars, and in the formidable shape of ‘Steel Against Steel’, Silver Wind have delivered the same experience. Time to get those heads banging hard as the album is just getting better and better. ‘Lord Of The Last Rampart’ is epic and glory metal at its finest. Thundering along at pace, guitars blazing and rhythms galloping hard, ‘Lord Of The Last Rampart’ stands tall in the European power metal genre. France is generally not known as a country for producing metal bands, yet in the shape of Silver Wind they have produced one that is gonna be a force in the power metal genre. Picking up the intensity and energy levels, ‘Revenge’ is a quick paced and hard hitting slice of power metal.

Combining the sounds of great bands such as HammerFall, Freedom Call and Running Wild, Silver Wind deliver an exhilarating and pulsating listening experience. Fans of the European power metal genre are gonna love this album. In 1984, the American power metal band Medieval Steel released a self titled E.P. with a song that went on to become a metal anthem…’Medieval Steel’, a glorious epic of majestic proportions and Silver Wind have covered this iconic song. Keeping to the pace of the original, Silver Wind have somehow managed to create even more epicness. The band have done a great job with this cover, slotting it into their album as though it was one of their own songs. With only nine songs on offer across just forty minutes, the album is a light on numbers, but that aside, the album is a glorious journey of “foot on the monitor” style metal. Bringing the album to a close is the quick paced ‘Sword Of The Snow’. Racing on at a scorching pace, guitars duel and rhythms thunder, as ‘Sword Of The Snow’ brings down the curtain on a very impressive debut album.

Overall, full on and quick paced European style power metal that is head bangingly addictive and packed to the rafters with anthemic and glorious metal anthems.


Legion Of The Exiled
Miracle Steel
Fight For Glory
Steel Against Steel
Lord Of The Last Rampart
Medieval Steel
Sword Of The Snow

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