SIMULACRUM Album Review: “Genesis”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Simulacrum are a progressive metal band from Finland formed in 2000 releasing their debut album ‘The Master And The Simulacrum’ in 2012, with the bands sophomore album ‘Sky Divided’ released in 2015. Two line-up changes happened to slow down the creation of the bands third album – parting ways with their drummer, who was replaced by Tatu Turunen, and the band also decided to add a second vocalist to their ranks, with Erik Kraemer joining original vocalist Niklas Broman as the bands frontmen. Now a seven piece band, Simulacrum signed to Frontiers Music, and released their third album ‘Genesis’ in 2021.

Progressive or prog metal – terms that would usually put me off listening to bands of this genre. For the fact I much prefer the all out full on pace of heavy metal, power metal, and thrash. But having listened to, and reviewed, albums by bands such as Symphony X, Sweeping Death, Tourniquet, Michael Romeo, and indeed, Simulacrum’s own ‘Sky Divided’, there is a certain something within prog metal that if you just open your mind and go with the flow, you’ll find they are very creative and intricate. And with every listen, something new will appear. For although prog metal isn’t my first listening choice, there are many hooks for a traditional metal fan to find some pleasure. Simulacrum hail from the power metal hot bed of Finland, and rather than follow their country’s legacy – progressive metal is their choice, and they’re rather good at it.

‘Genesis’ stretches for just over an hour in length, and boasts six songs – the sixth a mammoth thirty minutes plus, broken down into four distinct parts. But before we get to that most ambitious endeavour, ‘Traumatized’ gets the album underway in a flurry of heavy riffs. While the heaviness remains, the vocals kick in menacingly, and ‘Traumatized’ becomes a thundering, slumbering, mid tempo foot stomp with some exquisite guitar work. Storming in like a thrash metal tinged power metal gallop, ‘Nothing Remains’ is delivered at a quicker pace than the albums opener, and features plenty of keyboards and melodies to enjoy. The multi layered nature of the bands sound will take a few listens to fully appreciate what they are striving to achieve, And do they achieve it? Yes, I think they do – for wrapped up in all their grandiose and masterful solos and keyboard passages is the answer. Listen, and you will find the answer too.

The highly melodic ‘Arrhythmic Distortions’ is very catchy, with some infectious hooks and melodies that’ll have you foot tapping and head nodding along with absolute vigour. Tucked in there too is a light sprinkling of thrash, and the vocals are more in line with a power metal gallop. The mellower ‘Like you, Like Me’ sees a bass and keyboard duel across the intro, turning into somewhat of a light and airy ballad. The chorus has a powerful anthemic vibe to it, and ‘Like You, Like Me’ will take you to a dreamy landscape the likes of which you normally find in your dreams. The thrashy power metal intro to ‘Scorched Earth’ will have traditional metal fans hooked – jack hammering its way on with thunderous intent. ‘Scorched Earth’ has speedy parts, melodic parts, foot stomping parts, and many other parts – you just have to listen and be guided by what you hear.

And to the albums most ambitious endeavour – the lengthy four parter ‘Genesis’. Across its half hour play time, there are elements of thrash, power metal, and the occasional traditional metal interlude. There are upbeat tempo’s, slower tempo’s, mellow and sombre moods, with plenty of keyboards and guitar solos to enjoy. The multi layered complexity to all four parts of ‘Genesis’ (the song) is incredible song writing and musicianship – with every listen there is something new to discover, there is just so much going on. Part one ‘Celestial Architect’ is much like an intro, very atmospheric and tension filled, leading to part two, the instrumental ‘Evolution Of Man’. And boy what an instrumental! So much to enjoy you’ll wish it never ends – and it sort of doesn’t, the piano outro becoming the intro to part three ‘The Human Equation’. Brilliant stuff, full of mellow vocals, an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere, and an air of the fantastical. And to the fourth (and final) part ‘End Of Entropy’, the most metal of all four parts. And just like a show stopping, climactic end, ‘End Of Entropy’ is big and bold, has tempo changes galore, and is worthy of its position as curtain closer. If you’re into prog metal with complex arrangements, plenty of keyboards, time changes and tension filled songs – then this is for you. And metal fans, you should give it a listen too, as there’s something here for you too.

Overall, a compelling listen, ‘Genesis’ is a compendium of progressive, power, thrash, and traditional metal all wrapped up in an atmospheric veil.


Nothing Remains
Arrhythmic Distortions
Like You, Like Me
Scorched Earth
Genesis Part 1 – The Celestial Architect
Genesis Part 2 – Evolution Of Man
Genesis Part 3 – The Human Equation
Genesis Part 4 – End Of Entropy

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities