SINTAGE Album Review: “Paralyzing Chains”

“Paralyzing Chains”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Sintage are a heavy metal band from Germany formed in 2019, releasing their debut E.P. ‘The Sign’ in 2021, and debut album ‘Paralyzing Chains’ in 2023.

Featuring eight songs in just over half an hour, German metallers Sintage are a gigantic blast of bombastic heavy metal – the bands sound a combination of German and British influences. Launching the album in a blaze of fury, ‘Midnight Evil’ is a fast paced “foot on the monitor” rampage to get the juices flowing! Sintage, hitting the ground running, never look back, ‘Midnight Evil’ storming on to a conclusion. Picking up the baton and surging on, ‘Spirit Of The Underground’ is a glorious old school sounding metal romp – the guitar sound synonymous with the iconic NWOBHM. Germany has a long – very long – and impressive legacy with regards to heavy metal, the future looking very bright in the hands of Sintage.

And with no let up in the venomous pace and power, the band roar forth with the red hot scorching ‘Venom’ – and an unrelenting attitude for delivering highly head bang-able heavy metal. The five-piece from Leipzig definitely hold the eighties metal sound close to their hearts – the mid-song breakdown featuring the warmest old school guitar sound you could ever want to hear. Simply fantastic stuff from a new band – ‘Wild Dogs’ the next metal anthem! Sintage drop a gear to a more Saxon pace than an Iron Maiden one – yet still manage to bang heads! Hard! The band offering high head bang ability with their debut album, every metalhead and mosh pit from here to Germany rocking their heads back and forth with absolute glee! With every song on offer clocking in at under five minutes in length, the album is quick, breathlessly quick, leaving no time for a break – ‘Escape The Scythe’ picking up the pace and thundering on, every listener fan and follower smiling from ear to ear with sheer happiness, saluting a very good heavy metal album.

An album that has featured the classic foot on the monitor feel from the very beginning right up to this point, the band not even lifting their feet for the punchy ‘Blazing Desaster’ – and a more rough and tough attitude than heard previously. Yes it’s still melodic – just like every other song on offer – but ‘Blazing Desaster’ has a heavier, milder aggressive feel about it! Planting one foot over the border into hard rock territory, the band open their sound up to all the hard rockers, by way of ‘Rocking Hard’ – a perfect blend of metal and rock to attract even more fans and followers. Sintage taking a bold step into the arena of rock, deliver a sing a long and highly anthemic chorus that’s gonna be screeched and screamed by everyone! And bringing a very good album to a scorching end, ‘Flames Of Sin’ is a powerhouse song, hurtling on at pace, giving every head banger everywhere one final chance to vigorously nod their head back and forth. Sintage have impressed with their first full length – here’s to many more. Fingers crossed!

Overall, a non-stop roller coaster of barnstorming heavy metal, highly addictive and one hundred percent head bang-able.


Midnight Evil
Spirit Of The Underground
Wild Dogs
Escape The Scythe
Blazing Disaster
Rocking Hard
Flames Of Sin

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities