SODOM Album Review: “Genesis XIX”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Sodom are a thrash metal band from Germany formed in 1981 releasing their debut album ‘Obsessed By Cruelty’ in 1986. Along with fellow countrymen Destruction, Kreator, and Tankard – Sodom helped to evolve the sound of German thrash metal, these four bands attaining the moniker of “The Teutonic Four”. Since their debut, Sodom have released a further fourteen studio albums, four live albums, numerous E.P.’s and compilations, and now, in 2020, have released their sixteenth album ‘Genesis XIX’.

The bands first full length release since 2016’s ‘Decision Day’, sees the band ferociously grunting and growling their way through twelve songs in a little under a hour. Sodom have been the torchbearers of thrash for many years, and have never been a let down when it comes to out and out thrash metal of the savagely brutal nature – with their new album proving yet again, just why they are so revered. Sodom are more than just a band – they are an institution, they are idols, they are icons. The bands new album is a heady mix of old school thrash – brutal, savage, and raw. To say Sodom have gone back to basics is maybe an understatement, but they are kings of what they do, and quite rightly they are sitting proudly on the thrash metal throne. Following the crescendo building intro ‘Blind Superstition’, Sodom let rip with the high velocity ‘Sodom & Gomorrha’ blazing a trail of fire as it whizzes by in a flash. The electrifying pace is kept high with the blistering ‘Euthanasia’, a vicious sandstorm of savage riffs.

And talking of savage, the title song ‘Genesis XIX’ clocks in at over seven minutes in length, and is a fast and aggressive pummelling that’ll lead straight to a code blue at the local A&E and their crash cart. ‘Nicht Mehr Mein Land’ (rough translation “not my country anymore”) is a mid tempo and very menacing war machine march, while ‘Glock ‘N’ Roll’ is a thunderous high speed thrash metal roller coaster. Sodom are not reinventing the wheel with ‘Genesis XIX’ (the album), but are rather showing what a top class performer is capable of. They have been one of the best Teutonic Four, one hundred percent reliable and one hundred percent remaining true to the original sound of German thrash metal. ‘The Harpooneer’ is a second seven minutes plus thrash epic, full of pace, full of fire, and most definitely full of brimstone. It’s Vesuvius, Etna, and Krakatoa all erupting at once – the sheer force of nature a wonder matched only by the harsh thrashing of thrash metal legends Sodom.

Without a single dip in the ferocious intensity or scorching pace, Sodom power on with the raw and aggressive ‘Dehumanized’. The break neck speed of the album is gonna wreak havoc on the neck muscles of head bangers the world over. Only those who properly warm up or those with no sense of pain will survive. Mosh pits and walls of death are gonna be risky places for the faint of heart. ‘Occult Perpetrator’ actually sees the phenomenal pace abate for a little, but sees the heaviness ramped up a notch. The riffage is like a swinging axe – slow and steady but with immense force. ‘Occult Perpetrator’ is a chop heavy rage that’ll fell the biggest, most stubborn of trees. ‘Waldo & Pigpen’ may sound like the latest crime fighting cartoon duo, but it is six and a half minutes of some of the best metal on the album. And I say metal, ’cause we have the slow melodic intro, progressing to the menacing foot stomp of heavy metal, finally exploding in a blaze of thundering riffs and accelerating off like a fully loaded jet fighter setting its sights on obliterating the most evil tyrant the world has ever known. Devastating! ‘Indoctrination’ is an all out thrash metal thunderstorm, replete with lacerative lightning and a rabble rousing chant style chorus. Bringing the hour long thrash metal master class to a close, is the feisty ‘Friendly Fire’ – anything but friendly… ‘Friendly Fire’ is aggressive, menacing, and a fast paced finish to a fast paced album.

Overall, a terrific thrash metal assault, bringing natures most brutal forces together as one almighty aggressive and fast paced thrash metal master class.


Blind Superstition
Sodom & Gomorrha
Genesis XIX
Nicht Mehr Mein Land
Glock ‘N’ Roll
The Harpooner
Occult Perpetrator
Waldo & Pigpen
Friendly Fire

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.