SODOM E.P. Review: “Partisan”

E.P. Review By Iron Mathew


Sodom are a thrash metal band from Germany formed in 1981 releasing an E.P. in 1984 and their first full length album in 1986. Along with their countrymen Destruction, Kreator, Tankard and Exumer, Sodom helped to evolve the sound of German thrash metal. Since their first album, Sodom have released a further fourteen studio albums and four live albums. The band have just released the three song E.P. ‘Partisan’ as an appetiser for their sixteenth studio album, slated for a release at some point in 2019.

The E.P. contains two new songs and a live version of a classic, from the bands 1989 album ‘Agent Orange’. I’m not gonna reveal which classic just yet, you’re gonna have to wait ’til later in my review… The first of the two new songs though, is the title song ‘Partisan’. The sound of Sodom has always been aggressive and in your face, with ‘Partisan’ no exception. Fuelled by raw aggression, ‘Partisan’ is everything you would expect from Sodom, and if it is to be used as a benchmark for the forthcoming album, I am frothing at the mouth in anticipation…

The second new offering is ‘Conflagration’, a much faster and more savage song than ‘Partisan’. The combination of speed and aggression is exhilarating, with ‘Conflagration’ an adrenaline pumping slice of fast paced thrash metal, the sound of which can only come from the German thrash metal scene. Awesome stuff from an awesome band.

The live offering was recorded at the 2018 Rock Hard Festival at the Gelsenkirchen Amphitheater, Germany. Displaying the fiery and ferocious nature of Sodom, ‘Tired And Red’ is highly energetic and explosive. Fast paced and thunderous, ‘Tired And Red’ is a classic, with Sodom a band that give one hundred percent every time they perform live. With a new album coming at some point in 2019, I for one am so looking forward to hearing it.

Overall, Sodom doing what Sodom do best, delivering ferocious thrash metal at break neck speed, with the live song on offer, passionately and proudly performed.


Tired And Red (live)

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